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Popular lessons
A0: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using me llamo [name] - to say your name in Spanish
- Using Soy de [city/country] to say where you are from in Spanish
- Saying your age in Spanish: Tener [número] años = To be [number] years old
A0: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using vivo en + [city/country/region] to say where you live in Spanish
A0: Nouns & Articles
- Using un, una to say a/an in Spanish (singular indefinite articles)
A0: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using hay = there is / there are in Spanish
A0: Nouns & Articles
- Using el or la to say "the" in Spanish (singular definite articles)
- Using los or las to say "the" in Spanish (plural definite articles)
A0: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- How to say I have / you have in Spanish (possession)
A0: Nouns & Articles
- Not using un, una when giving people's professions in Spanish (zero article)
A0: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- How to say How are you? in Spanish as a greeting
A0: Questions & Interrogatives
- How to ask What is that? in Spanish using qué
A0: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- How to say I work/You work/What do you do? in Spanish with the verb trabajar
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate ser in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- How to ask "How" and "What...like" in Spanish
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the verb llamarse in Spanish in the present tense to say what someone's name is (Verbo reflexivo)
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser in Spanish (not estar) to express an essential or permanent characteristic
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate estar in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using estar in Spanish (not ser) when talking about locations
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate regular -ar verbs in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate regular -er verbs in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate regular -ir verbs in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Nouns & Articles
- Forming regular masculine and feminine nouns in Spanish (singular and plural)
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Forming the singular masculine and feminine of regular adjectives in Spanish
- Forming regular plural masculine and feminine adjectives in Spanish
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate ir in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Numbers, Time & Date
- Expressing dates in Spanish
A1: Nouns & Articles
- Al and Del in Spanish
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate tener in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using hace to talk about the weather in Spanish
- Using hay, está, or an impersonal verb to talk about the weather in Spanish
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate hacer in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Muy vs Mucho in Spanish (intensifiers)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using gustar in Spanish to say you like something
- Using gustar in Spanish + verb to say like [doing something]
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate preferir in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate querer in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate salir in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using vez/veces = time/times in Spanish
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Quantitative adjective in Spanish: cada and todos/-as for "every" in time phrases (Adjetivo cuantitativo)
A1: Negative Words & Constructions
- Forming negative sentences using no in Spanish (negation)
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate stem-changing -ar verbs in the present tense in Spanish (e > ie) (El Presente)
- Conjugate pensar in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Questions & Interrogatives
- Forming questions with qué in Spanish = what (Spain)
A1: Nouns & Articles
- Gender and number of nouns ending in a consonant in Spanish (except -z)
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate reflexive verbs in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using A + la/las + [time] to say at what time something takes place in Spanish
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Demonstrative adjectives: este, esta, estos, estas to say this/these in Spanish (Adjetivos demostrativos)
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate in the near future in Spanish with ir a + infinitive (El Futuro próximo)
- Conjugate venir in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Expressing obligation with tener que in Spanish
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate poder in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using deber, poder, querer in Spanish + infinitive to express must, can, to want to (Verbo modal)
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Forming regular adverbs ending in -mente in Spanish
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate soler in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate poner in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate traer and caer in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Possessive adjectives in Spanish: my, your, his, her, its, our and their (Adjetivos posesivos)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Polite requests in Spanish: querría, quería and quisiera to politely say "I would like"
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate dar in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate ver in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate sentir in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using doler in Spanish to say that something hurts
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate entender in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate leer in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate jugar in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate decir and its derivatives in the present tense in Spanish: predecir, bendecir, maldecir (El Presente)
- Conjugate saber in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Forming the singular feminine of -s ending nationality and place of origin adjectives in Spanish
- Forming the plural of -s ending nationality and place of origin adjectives in Spanish
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate oír in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate oler in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Quantitative adjective in Spanish: cada + noun for each (Adjetivo cuantitativo)
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate stem-changing (e > ie) -er verbs in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate stem-changing verb pedir (e > i) in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate stem-changing (e > i) verbs: corregir and elegir in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate stem-changing (e > i) and (gu > g) verbs: seguir, conseguir, perseguir in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Por vs para in Spanish: Using para (and not por) for purpose, goal or objective
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- How to ask "When" in Spanish
A1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (and not para) to express a part of the day
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate stem-changing -ar verbs (o > ue) in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Stem-changing verbs in Spanish: -er verbs (o > ue) in the present tense (El Presente)
- Conjugate stem-changing -ir verbs (o > ue) in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate -ducir verbs: traducir and conducir in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate haber in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate stem-changing -ir verbs in the present tense in Spanish (e > ie) (El Presente)
- Conjugate stem-changing -ir verbs (e > i): competir, reír, servir in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser in Spanish (not estar) to say when / where something takes place
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser in Spanish (not estar) to talk about time, days, dates and seasons
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Using the present tense in Spanish to express general facts (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the present tense in Spanish to talk about regular actions (El Presente)
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Forming regular gerunds in Spanish (-ing form)
- Forming the present progressive/continuous in Spanish with estar + present participle (El Presente Progresivo)
- Using the Spanish present progressive/continuous instead of the present (El Presente Progresivo vs El Presente)
A1: Questions & Interrogatives
- How to ask "who" in Spanish
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser in Spanish (not estar) to introduce people
A1: Nouns & Articles
- Gender and plural of nouns ending in -e in Spanish
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Forming the singular masculine and feminine of adjectives ending -e and -a in Spanish
- Forming the plural of masculine and feminine adjectives ending in -e and -a in Spanish
- Demonstrative adjectives: ese, esa, esos, esas to say that/those in Spanish (Adjetivos demostrativos)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using necesitar in the present tense to express a need (to do something) in Spanish
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- How to ask "Where" in Spanish
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser in Spanish (not estar) to say what you do for a living
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser in Spanish (not estar) to describe relationships
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using más/menos for more/less/fewer in Spanish (as adjectives, pronouns and adverbs)
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate deber in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Nouns & Articles
- Using unos, unas + plural nouns to say some / a few in Spanish (Artículo indefinido -plural)
- Using numbers with nouns in Spanish
A1: Pronouns
- Difference between tú and tu in Spanish (you and your) (singular informal)
A1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using preposition de in Spanish to express possession
A1: Nouns & Articles
- Months in Spanish: masculine
- Days of the week in Spanish are masculine
- Letters of the alphabet in Spanish: feminine
- Cardinal points in Spanish are masculine
- Numbers in Spanish: masculine
- Gender of living creatures in Spanish
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Forming the singular feminine of -e ending nationality and origin adjectives in Spanish
- Forming the plural of -e ending nationality and origin adjectives in Spanish
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser in Spanish (not estar) to express origin or nationality
A1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate stem-changing (g > j) verbs: -ger and -gir verbs in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Difference between hay and está in Spanish
A1: Nouns & Articles
- Using definite articles el, la, los, las in Spanish with bodyparts and clothing (Artículo definido)
- Forming the plural of nouns ending in -z in Spanish
A1: Pronouns
- Tú vs Usted in Spanish (informal vs formal)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Telling the time in Spanish
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Colours in Spanish - gender and number (adjectives)
A1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using the preposition "de" in Spanish with nouns for description
- Preposition "con" in Spanish (with) - General use
- Preposition "a" in Spanish (to) - general use
- Preposition "en" in Spanish (on/in/inside/at) - general use
A1: Pronouns
- Difference between él and el in Spanish (he or the)
A1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Preposition "sin" in Spanish (without) - General use
- Preposition "sobre" in Spanish (on/on top of/above/about) - general use
- Preposition "entre" in Spanish (between/among) - general use
- Preposition "hacia" in Spanish (towards/around) - general use
- Preposition "contra" in Spanish (against) - General use
A1: Nouns & Articles
- Letters of the alphabet in Spanish: feminine
A1: Questions & Interrogatives
- Using cuál in Spanish followed by a noun in interrogative sentences
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using hace to talk about the weather in Spanish
- Using hay, está, or an impersonal verb to talk about the weather in Spanish
A1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using en/a/por in Spanish to express a part of the day
A1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using dentro/dentro de in Spanish (inside)
A1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser in Spanish (not estar) to identify things
A1: Questions & Interrogatives
- Forming questions with qué in Spanish = what (LatAm)
- What vs Which in Spanish: qué vs cuál + verb
A1: Numbers, Time & Date
- Using the definite article with days of the week for events
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Difference between este, ese and aquel (demonstrative adjectives)
- Use [verb] más [adjective/noun] que / menos [adjective/noun] que = more...than / less... than (comparatives)
- Using tan ... como = as ... as (comparatives with adjectives and adverbs)
- Using tanto como with verbs and nouns to say as much/many ... as (comparatives)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using estar (and not ser) to express relationship statuses
- Using gustar to say you like something (he likes, she likes, we like, you like, they like)
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Spanish present tense consonant change c > zc in -cer/-cir verbs
- Conjugate recordar, acordar and acordarse (o > ue) stem-changing -ar verbs in the present tense (El Presente)
A2: Pronouns
- Using lo, la, los, las = him, her, it, them (direct object pronouns)
- Using me, te, nos, os = me, you, us, you plural (direct object pronouns)
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate regular -ar verbs in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
A2: Pronouns
- Using le and les = [to] it, him, her, them (indirect object pronouns)
- Using me, te, le, nos, os, les (indirect object pronouns)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- "There was"/"there were" in Spanish: había
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate and recognise ir and ser in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate estar in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate hacer in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using demasiado, bastante, suficiente, poco, tanto and mucho to express quantity in Spanish (quantitative adjectives)
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate dar in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate ver in the preterite tense in Spanish ( El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate regular -ar verbs in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
- Conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Imperfecto)
- Conjugate huir and construir in present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
- Conjugate tener in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate leer, creer and proveer in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- "There was"/"there were": hubo
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using para (not por) for a deadline/time limit
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate poder in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate-car verbs in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate -gar verbs in the Spanish Preterite tense (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate-zar verbs in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate poner in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate stem-changing-ir verbs (e > i) in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate venir in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate andar in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Using the preterite tense in Spanish for completed actions in the past
- Conjugate querer in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate decir in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Use "hace" for "ago" with the preterite tense (El Pretérito Indefinido)
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate oír in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using para (not por) for a destination
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate dormir and morir in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate traer in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Conjugate -ducir verbs in the preterite tense in Spanish: introducir, producir, traducir, conducir
- Conjugate ser in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Imperfecto)
- Conjugate ver in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
- Conjugate ir in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
- Using the imperfect tense in Spanish to express habits or repeated actions in the past (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
- Conjugate caber and saber in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Expressing instructions and general statements in Spanish with the impersonal se = one
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Using the imperfect tense in Spanish to "describe" a situation in the past
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Demonstrative adjectives: aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas = that/those in Spanish [over there] (Adjetivos demostrativos)
A2: Pronouns
- Using esto, este, esta, estos, estas to say "this", "this one" and "these ones" (demonstrative pronouns)
- Using ese, esa, esos, esas, eso for that one, those ones and that (demonstrative pronouns)
- Using aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas for that one (over there), those ones (over there) and that (over there) (demonstrative pronouns)
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using aquí, ahí and allí = here and there in Spanish
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using antes de /después de [noun/infinitive] for before/after [something/doing something]
- Using antes de /después de/luego de [noun/infinitive] for before/after [something/doing something] (LatAm)
A2: Pronouns
- Using algo to say something or anything in Spanish
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using algún (a, as, os) to say some or any in Spanish
A2: Pronouns
- Using alguien to say someone or anyone in Spanish
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate verb hacer in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
- Conjugate tener in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
- Conjugate stem-changing verb pedir in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using preposition con followed by a pronoun to say with me, you, him, her, us, you (plural), them
A2: Pronouns
- Using nada to say nothing or not anything
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using the negative ningún (a, os, as) = not any
A2: Pronouns
- Using nadie to say no one, nobody and not anyone
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate -uir verbs in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)
- Forming the imperative of tú for most verbs (affirmative commands)
- Forming the imperative of tú for all irregular verbs (irregular affirmative commands)
- Forming the Spanish imperative of vosotros for all verbs (affirmative commands)
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using por (not para) to express the originating cause or reason
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate regular -ar verbs in the present perfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Perfecto)
- Conjugate regular -er, -ir verbs in the present perfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Perfecto)
- Spanish irregular past participles ending in -to/-cho
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the perfect tense in Spanish (not the preterite) to talk about experiences
- Using the preterite tense in Spanish to talk about experiences
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Use of ya in Spanish with the present perfect tense (El Pretérito Perfecto)
- Using ya with the Spanish preterite tense
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using todavía no with El Pretérito Perfecto = not yet (negative expression)
- Using todavía no with El Pretérito Indefinido = not yet (negative expression)
- Using desde (hace) with the present instead of the perfect tense to express since/for
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate ver in the present perfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Perfecto)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- When to use the perfect tense versus the simple past (Perfecto vs Indefinido)
- When to use the perfect tense versus the simple past (Perfecto vs Indefinido)
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate estar in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
- Forming irregular gerunds in Spanish (-ing form)
- Forming the progressive imperfect with estar + present participle (El Imperfecto progresivo/continuo)
- Spanish present tense consonant change c>z in -cer/-cir verbs
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using por (not para) to express "through/along" (a place)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using gustar to say you like doing something (he likes, she likes, we like, you like, they like)
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using por (not para) to express approximate location
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Forming comparative adjectives in Spanish: mayor/menor/mejor/peor
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using para (not por) to express opinion
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using estar (not ser) when talking about feelings and emotions
- How to say "to love something/doing something" in Spanish
- How to say "something bores/annoys/saddens you" in Spanish
A2: Nouns & Articles
- Spanish nouns ending in -or are masculine
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using estar (not ser) when talking about physical condition of something, someone or a place
- Using ser+preposition para (not estar) to indicate a recipient
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using para (not por) to express the recipient of an action
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using ser (not estar) with the preposition para, to indicate a purpose
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Forming the singular of masculine and feminine adjectives ending in -z and -l
- Forming the plural of masculine and feminine Spanish adjectives ending in -z and -l
- Forming the singular and plural of adjectives ending in -án, ón, -or
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate hacer in the present perfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Perfecto)
A2: Nouns & Articles
- Gender of Spanish nouns ending in -umbre, -ión, -dad, -tad, -itis and -sis and their plural
- Using the diminutive suffix -ito, -ita, -itos and -itas with words ending in -o/-a/-io/-ia
- Using the diminutive suffix -illo, -cillo, -ecillo, -ececillo
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate caber in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using the conjunction que to say that
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Ningún, ninguna + noun + verb = No [noun] + verb (negation)
- Using demasiado, bastante, un poco, mucho, tan, tanto and muy for too, quite, a bit, so, so much and very in Spanish (quantitative adverbs)
A2: Pronouns
- Using demasiado, bastante, suficiente, poco, tanto and mucho to express quantity in Spanish (quantitative pronouns)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Forming Spanish exclamatory sentences with qué [noun] or qué [adjective]
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate soler in the imperfect tense (El Imperfecto)
A2: Pronouns
- Possessive pronouns in Spanish: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours and theirs
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using todo, toda, todos and todas to say all, every and the whole (indefinite adjectives)
A2: Pronouns
- Using todo to say everything or all (of it) (indefinite pronoun)
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate decir in the present perfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Perfecto)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Hay que in Spanish (expressing obligation)
A2: Negative Words & Constructions
- Forming negative sentences using no (negation) with complex verbal structures
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using es bueno/malo or está bien/mal in Spanish
A2: Questions & Interrogatives
- Using cómo, dónde and cuándo in interrogative, exclamatory and indirect sentences
- Difference between porque and por qué in Spanish (because and why)
A2: Pronouns
- Using alguno, alguna, algunos and algunas to say some, one or any in Spanish (pronouns)
- Using the negative ninguno, ninguna, ningunos and ningunas to say not any (indefinite pronoun)
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using prepositions a, para, por, de, en, sin, hacia, sobre followed by a pronoun
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate deber in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using otro, otra, otros, otras to say another, other (indefinite adjectives)
A2: Pronouns
- Using otro, otra, otros, otras to say another/another one, other, others (indefinite pronouns)
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate poder in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
- Conjugate querer in the imperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Acabar de + [infinitive] = to have just done / just did something in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using "recién" with actions that just happened
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate poner in the present perfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Perfecto)
A2: Nouns & Articles
- Using plural definite article + number + noun
- Using unos, unas + number = about/approximately
A2: Pronouns
- Using numbers as pronouns in Spanish
A2: Nouns & Articles
- Gender and plural of Spanish nouns ending in -ma (Greek origin)
- Gender and plural of Spanish nouns ending in -esa, -triz, -ina, -isa
- Some Spanish nouns ending in -o (shortened from a feminine noun) are feminine
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Spanish personal "a" verbs (ver, visitar, buscar, conocer)
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Más que/Menos que vs Más de/Menos de (More/Less than)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using definite articles + mismo to say "the same" in Spanish
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using porque, como and es que to express cause (subordinate causal clauses)
- Difference between pero, sino and sino que in Spanish (but)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Sentir vs Sentirse (to feel) in Spanish
A2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate ser in the present perfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Perfecto)
A2: Questions & Interrogatives
- Using cuánto + noun to ask how much/how many in Spanish (interrogative adjective)
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using para (and not por) to say who you work for
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the infinitive (not the gerund) as the subject/object of the verb
A2: Numbers, Time & Date
- Doing arithmetic in Spanish (numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- How to use Spanish question tags: ¿no? ¿verdad?
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Expressing duration in Spanish with durante/por/no preposition
- Using prepositions entre and según followed by a pronoun
A2: Numbers, Time & Date
- Forming ordinal numbers in Spanish (1st, 2nd, 10th...)
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Cada uno/a de [noun/pronoun] for each one of [something/someone]
A2: Numbers, Time & Date
- Expressing large numbers in Spanish: hundreds, thousands, millions and billions
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using desde/de/hasta/a for from/to in Spanish
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using varios/varias to say some (indefinite adjectives and pronouns)
A2: Nouns & Articles
- Nouns that are plural in English but singular in Spanish, and vice versa (collective nouns)
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Yo también/yo tampoco/a mí también/a mí tampoco for me too, me neither
- Spanish adjectives used as nouns
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Spanish perception verbs: Most verbs of perception usually use the present, not the modal poder
- Spanish verbs Traer vs Llevar (to take/to bring)
- Using the verb tomar for having food/drink
- Using todavía/aún for "still"
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using cuánto/-a/-os/-as in interrogative, exclamative and indirect questions
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Talking about measurements and distances in Spanish
- Talking about measurements and distances in Spanish
A2: Nouns & Articles
- Surnames in Spanish don't turn into plurals
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Difference between hay, ahí and ay
A2: Pronouns
- Difference between mi and mí in Spanish (with or without an accent)
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Verbs jugar and tocar: differences
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using aquí, acá, ahí, allí, allá = here and there in Spanish
A2: Questions & Interrogatives
- Cuánto + verb in interrogative sentences
A2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- How to say "both" in Spanish
A2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Talking about decades in Spanish
A2: Numbers, Time & Date
- How to express centuries in Spanish with Roman numerals
A2: Nouns & Articles
- Most Spanish nouns ending in -ía/-ia are feminine
A2: Pronouns
- Difference between sé and se (with and without an accent)
A2: Numbers, Time & Date
- How to talk about percentages in Spanish
A2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- How to say "not only but" in Spanish
- Preposition "según" in Spanish (according to)
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Forming singular and plural of Spanish adjectives ending in -ar
- Using tampoco for either/neither in Spanish
B1: Negative Words & Constructions
- Using nunca in Spanish negative sentences
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- How to say the most / the least + adjective in Spanish (superlatives)
- How to say the best/the worst/the oldest/the youngest in Spanish (irregular superlatives)
B1: Pronouns
- Que/ el cual/ la cual/ los cuales/ quien/ quienes = who, that, which (Spanish relative pronouns)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the pluperfect tense in Spanish (El Pluscuamperfecto de Indicativo)
- Conjugate hacer, escribir, ver, decir, poner in the pluperfect tense in Spanish (El Pluscuamperfecto)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the pluperfect tense to indicate that a past action happens before another past action (El Pluscuamperfecto)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Using ya with the pluperfect tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto)
B1: Pronouns
- Spanish pronouns le / les become se when used with lo, la, los, las (indirect with direct pronouns)
- Using lo que = what, which, that which, the thing that (Spanish relative pronouns)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate regular -ar verbs in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate irregular verb ir in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate ser in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate yo-go verbs in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Querer que followed by the Spanish present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using esperar que + present subjunctive in Spanish to express hope
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Bueno, malo, grande become buen, mal, gran before a noun (apócope)
- Primero and tercero become primer and tercer before a noun (Spanish apócope)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
- Conjugate tener in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple)
- Conjugate irregular verb decir in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
- Conjugate irregular verb salir in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
- Cuando + the present subjunctive vs Cuando + the present indicative in Spanish
- Using the Spanish simple future to express probabilities or predictions in the future (El Futuro Simple)
- Using the simple future in Spanish for prediction, speculation and probability in the present (El Futuro Simple)
B1: Questions & Interrogatives
- Asking questions about people with preposition + quién in Spanish
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Using the imperative with reflexive pronouns: affirmative commands (El Imperativo)
- Using the imperative with reflexive pronouns: affirmative commands (El Imperativo)
- Using double pronouns with the imperative in Spanish (El Imperativo)
- Conjugate irregular verb poder in the future tense in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
- Conjugate irregular verb querer in the future tense in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (and not para) in exchange for something
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate irregular verb hacer in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
- Conjugate poner in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (not para) to express medium
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate irregular verbs caber and saber in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
- Conjugate valer in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
B1: Questions & Interrogatives
- Difference between dónde and donde in Spanish (with and without a written accent)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using ojalá + the present subjunctive to express hope (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate irregular verb venir in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
B1: Pronouns
- Position of pronouns with conjugated verbs in Spanish
- Position of Spanish direct and indirect object pronouns with infinitive/present participle and affirmative commands
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate regular verbs in the conditional in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate hacer in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate tener in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Mientras with the present indicative or the present subjunctive in Spanish
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate poder in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate querer in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Difference between Spanish verbs saber and conocer (to know)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate poner in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate decir in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate salir in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate valer in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate Spanish stem-changing -car verbs (c > qu) in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate Spanish -gar verbs: g > gu in all forms in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Spanish verbs ending in -zar change z > c in all forms in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate venir in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the subjunctive or the indicative after tal vez and quizás to express doubt in Spanish
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate irregular estar in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate irregular verb dar in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate irregular verb saber in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate e > i verbs in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate Spanish stem-changing -ar verbs (o > ue) in the present subjunctive (El Presente Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate Spanish stem-changing -er verbs: (o > ue) in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate stem-changing verbs: o > u (1st and 2nd person plural) in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate stem-changing verbs: o > u (1st person plural) in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate Spanish -ger and -gir verbs: g > j in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Using deber to say should in Spanish
- Conjugate tener que (would have to) in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate irregular -er verbs caber and saber in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Spanish -uir verbs in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (and not para) to communicate price
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (and not para) to express distribution or sharing
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate irregular verb haber in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
- Conjugate haber in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser de (not estar) to indicate ownership
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (and not para) to talk about speed
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using para (and not por) for precise time location
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using estar (not ser) + de for a temporary job
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using estar (not ser) + preposition a with fluctuating quantities and prices
- Using estar hecho de or ser de to indicate what something is made of in Spanish
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Some Spanish -zar verbs change z > c and e > ie in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using ir in the imperfect tense in Spanish to express was/were going to [do something]
- Using the Spanish preterite tense combined with cuando + the Spanish imperfect tense
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Using aún no/todavía no with the pluperfect in Spanish (El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto)
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Spanish superlatives -ísimo with adjectives ending in a single vowel, -io, -l and -ar
- Spanish superlatives -ísimo with adjectives ending in -co, -go, -ble,-z, -or and -n
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the present tense in Spanish in order to refer to a future action (only future time indications)
- Forming the Spanish passive with se (la pasiva refleja)
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Using the Spanish diminutive suffix -cito, -cita, -citos and -citas with words ending in -e, -n, and -r
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Si [if] followed by present indicative + main clause (present tense/future tense)
- Si [if] followed by present indicative + main clause [command/request/advice]
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Spanish nouns ending in -aje are masculine
B1: Pronouns
- Reciprocal verbs in Spanish and position of the reflexive pronoun
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using dejar de + [infinitive] = to stop doing something/to give up something
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Forming the progressive preterite tense in Spanish with estar + present participle (El Indefinido Progresivo)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using Hace + length of time + que + present tense in Spanish to say how long one has done something
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate deber in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate Spanish -cer/-cir verbs (c>zc) in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate poder [o > ue] in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate stem changing -ar verbs (e > ie) in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Gender of nouns and adjectives ending in -ista and -crata in Spanish
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate Spanish stem changing -er verbs (e > ie) in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate Spanish stem-changing verb querer (e > ie) in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the gerund in Spanish to say by [doing something]
- Using Estar a punto de + [infinitive] = to be about to do something in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Forming the Spanish imperative of tú/ vosotros/vosotras (negative commands)
- Forming the Spanish imperative of tú (negative commands)
- Forming the imperative for usted/ustedes/nosotros/nosotras (affirmative and negative commands)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using acabar/terminar + [infinitive/present participle] = to end up doing something in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
- Using volver a + [infinitive] to express repetition of an action in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Difference between Sí and Si in Spanish (with or without accent)
B1: Questions & Interrogatives
- Difference between cómo and como in Spanish (with and without an accent)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Stem-changing verbs in Spanish: -ir verbs with e > ie change in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Difference between qué and que in Spanish (with and without an accent)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate Spanish stem-changing verbs (e > i) and (gu > g): seguir, conseguir, perseguir in the present subjunctive (El Presente Subjuntivo)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using poder to say could [do something] for polite requests and suggestions in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Some Spanish nouns have both genders without a change of meaning
B1: Questions & Interrogatives
- Using cuál/cuáles = which/what in Spanish (interrogative pronouns)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Forming the Spanish passive se with modal verbs deber/poder (la pasiva refleja)
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using junto, junta, juntos and juntas = together in Spanish
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the imperfect vs the preterite in Spanish (time markers)
- Spanish Había vs Hubo (Imperfect vs Preterite)
- Empezar/comenzar a = to begin/start doing something (perífrasis verbal)
B1: Questions & Interrogatives
- Difference between cuándo and cuando in Spanish (with and without an accent)
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Using neuter article Lo + adjective + ser in Spanish
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish verb "tardar" = to take time
- Using the Spanish verbs "tardarse/demorarse"= to take time
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Spanish past participles as adjectives
B1: Questions & Interrogatives
- Using qué in Spanish indirect questions
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using Cuánto + noun in exclamations about quantities in Spanish
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate haber in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using gustar in the conditional in Spanish = would like [to do something]
B1: Pronouns
- Repetition of indirect object pronouns in Spanish with verbs like gustar
B1: Negative Words & Constructions
- Using ni... ni... for neither... nor... in Spanish
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Use Hace + length of time + que + the preterite tense in Spanish to say how long ago something happened
- Spanish verbs Quedar, Quedarse and Quedarle (Different meanings of verb quedar)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Forming the present perfect progressive tense in Spanish with estar + present participle (El Pretérito Perfecto Progresivo)
- Forming the pluperfect progressive tense in Spanish with estar + present participle (El Pluscuamperfecto Progresivo)
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Difference between "poco" and "un poco" in Spanish
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using "menos" to say except in Spanish
- Using the Spanish near future (not the present progressive) for future arrangements
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate ser in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
- Conjugate estar in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
B1: Pronouns
- Difference between quién and quien in Spanish (with and without an accent)
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Igual de ... que = as ... as in Spanish (comparatives with adjectives and adverbs)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using debido a / debido a que for because of / due to in Spanish
B1: Numbers, Time & Date
- Expressing fractions in Spanish
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using llevar + present participle to express duration of an action in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Difference between Más and Mas in Spanish (with or without a written accent)
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Presence of the Spanish definite articles el/la/los/las
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Use estar (not ser) to talk about dates, days of the week and seasons (colloquial)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using así que/ por lo tanto in Spanish (subordinate result clauses)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using "o sea/es decir" to clarify, explain and express a consequence in Spanish
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- When the Spanish conjunction y becomes e
- When the Spanish conjunction o becomes u
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (not para) to say "by" [whom/what]
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Exclamatory sentence in Spanish: qué + noun + más/tan + adjective
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Spanish conjunctions o/u/o...o/o bien...o bien (coordinating conjunctions)
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Spanish long-form possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, our, their)
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Using the Spanish augmentative suffixes -azo, -ote, -ón
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- How to say "to be looking forward" in Spanish with tener ganas and estar deseando
- Using terminar de+ [infinitive] = to finish doing something in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
- Using the conditional in Spanish to express hypothesis/wish/suggestion in the present or future
B1: Pronouns
- Spanish verb Costar vs Costar a alguien algo
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using unos cuantos/unas cuantas + noun for "a few" (quantitative adjectives)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using mientras que/en cambio for comparison/contrast in Spanish
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using yo sí/yo no/a mí sí/a mí no (I do/I don't): Spanish contrasting answers
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Gender of nouns ending in -ez/-eza in Spanish
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- How to say I think so/I guess so /I hope so in Spanish
- Spanish verb gustar and similar verbs in past tenses
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using cierto, cierta, ciertos, ciertas for certain in Spanish (indefinite adjectives)
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Spanish -uar verbs in the present tense (El Presente: actuar, continuar)
- Some Spanish -iar verbs in the present tense take an accent (liar, enviar, criar)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- How to say to lend/to borrow in Spanish with prestar/pedir prestado
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Using the Spanish definite article or not with titles
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Different meanings of the Spanish verb contar
- Expressing the beginning and end of a period or space in Spanish
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using the Spanish adverb bien as an intensifier (very)
- Alguno/-a/-os/-as de for "one/some of" (partitives)
- Difference between cuánto and cuanto in Spanish (with and without accent)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- How to say "on the one hand, on the other hand, in addition" in Spanish (connectives)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Asking questions with prepositions + qué in Spanish
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the present tense in Spanish for making suggestions
- Using por qué no/y si/ qué tal si for suggestions in Spanish
B1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using apenas/casi for hardly in Spanish
B1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Using double pronouns with the imperative in Spanish (El Imperativo)
- Forming the progressive future tense in Spanish with estar + present participle (El Futuro Progresivo)
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Spanish verbs Pedir vs Preguntar (to ask)
- Spanish verbs Llevar vs Llevarse (pronominal verbs)
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using dentro de for in/within/among in Spanish (time/place)
B1: Nouns & Articles
- Most Spanish nouns ending in -ud are feminine
B1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using a/desde/hasta + age in Spanish
B1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Prepositions bajo, abajo, debajo (de) meaning "under"
B1: Numbers, Time & Date
- Using ordinal numbers with events, celebrations, anniversaries in Spanish
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using se debe/se puede to say You must/you can (impersonal sentences)
- Using the Spanish subjunctive with negative opinion phrases
- Using the Spanish conditional simple to express probability/speculation about the past
B2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using cualquier/a to express "any" in Spanish (indefinite adjectives)
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate regular verbs in the perfect future in Spanish (El Futuro Perfecto)
- Conjugate Spanish irregular verbs in the perfect future in Spanish (El Futuro Perfecto)
B2: Pronouns
- Using preposition [except a and de] + el que, la que, los que, las que = with/for/on/in/from which (relative pronouns)
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate Spanish regular verbs in the Spanish perfect conditional (El Condicional Perfecto)
- Conjugate Spanish irregular verbs in the perfect conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Perfecto)
- Spanish modal verb deber in the conditional simple + haber + participle = should have
B2: Pronouns
- Using Cuánto + verb in exclamations about quantities in Spanish
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Using Spanish adverbial clauses para que, antes (de) que, hasta que, con tal (de) que, etc. + the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate Spanish verbs in the Spanish imperfect subjunctive tense (El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate estar in the Spanish imperfect subjunctive (El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate Spanish verb tener in the Spanish imperfect subjunctive (El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish imperfect subjunctive in hypothetical clauses introduced by si followed by the Spanish conditional simple
B2: Pronouns
- Using [preposition] + lo que = with, for, on + what (relative pronouns)
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate Spanish regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs in present perfect subjunctive tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate Spanish verbs hacer, escribir, poner in the present perfect subjunctive in Spanish (El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish present perfect subjunctive after esperar que to express a completed action in the past
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate haber in the Spanish imperfect subjunctive (El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate Spanish verbs in the pluperfect subjunctive in Spanish (El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo)
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (not para) to express "on behalf of"
- Por vs Para in Spanish: Using para (not por) to express unequal relations/surprising facts
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using [verb] + tan + [adjective/adverb] + que to say "so... that..."
- Using [verb] + tanto/a/os/as + [noun]+ que = [verb] so much/many...that...
- Using Spanish verb gustar to express personal attraction
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Using the imperfect subjunctive after the conjunction como si in Spanish (subordinate manner clauses)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using Spanish demonstrative adjectives to refer to time (present, past and future)
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Forming the Spanish passive voice with ser + participle (+ por) (passive - simple tenses)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using Spanish conjunction al + infinitive/perfect infinitive = when doing/ because of doing [something]
- Using preposition a + infinitive to express a command in Spanish
- Using Spanish verbs seguir/continuar + present participle = to keep on [doing something]
- Using the Spanish subjunctive with impersonal expressions
- Using the Spanish subjunctive to express doubt or uncertainty
B2: Pronouns
- Using preposition a and de + el que, la que, los que, las que = to/of/from/about which/who (relative pronouns)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish subjunctive with verbs that express "wish" and "feeling"
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate Spanish -cer/-cir verbs (c>z) in the present subjunctive tense in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- The Spanish imperfect progressive vs the Spanish preterite progressive (was +ing)
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate Spanish verb jugar in the Spanish present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
- Conjugate o > ue and z >c change verbs in the present subjunctive tense in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using the infinitive after prepositions in Spanish (not present participle)
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Conjugate Spanish -ger and -gir verbs (g > j and e > i) in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using que to introduce a warning or threat in Spanish
- Using que to express cause in Spanish
- Using poder to say could have [done something] in Spanish (modal verbs)
- Using the imperfect vs the preterite in Spanish (general use)
- Using querer in the preterite vs the imperfect in Spanish
- Using poder in the preterite vs the imperfect in Spanish (could in past actions)
B2: Nouns & Articles
- Spanish feminine nouns starting with a stressed "a" sometimes use masculine articles and quantifiers
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Quedarse + [gerund] = to do something continuously in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
B2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Position of adjectives in Spanish
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using convertirse en / ponerse / hacerse / quedarse to express "to become" (Spanish verbs of change)
- Using the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish with impersonal expressions in the conditional (Sería+adjective+que)
- Using haber to say would have [done something] in Spanish
- Using poder in the present perfect and the preterite for "could" in past actions
- Using the Spanish gerund to say while [doing something]
- Spanish impersonal sentences using the ellos form of the verb
- Aunque + the present indicative vs the present subjunctive in Spanish
B2: Pronouns
- Repetition of direct object pronouns in Spanish
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish present perfect subjunctive after esperar que to express a completed action in the future
- Using Qué poco/s + verb/noun to express surprise about a small quantity or infrequency
- Using Spanish verb ser in the imperfect vs the preterite
- Using Spanish verb estar in the imperfect vs the preterite
- Using Spanish verb tener in the imperfect vs the preterite
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Aunque + the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Spanish modal verb Deber versus Deber de (obligation and assumption)
B2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Difference between aún and aun in Spanish (with and without a written accent)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the "accidental" reflexive (se) with an indirect object pronoun
- Using Hacía + length of time + que + the Spanish imperfect tense to express duration in the past
- Using Spanish verb volverse to express to become/to turn (verbs of change)
B2: Pronouns
- Using algo de + noun to express some of/a bit of in Spanish [something]
- Using Todo aquel que for "anyone who/whoever/those who" (demonstratives)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Antes de/Después de followed by haber + participle in Spanish
- Antes de/Después de/Luego de followed by haber + participle in Spanish
B2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using neuter article Lo + adverb/adjective + que + verb in Spanish
B2: Pronouns
- Repetition of indirect object pronouns with verbs in Spanish (general)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using antes de que/después de que with indicative or subjunctive in Spanish (subordinate time clauses) (Spain)
- Using antes de que/después de que/luego de que with indicative or subjunctive in Spanish (subordinate time clauses) (LatAm)
- Cuanto/mientras más/cuanto menos... for The more/The less... in Spanish
- Using quisiera for I would like (alternative to querría)
B2: Questions & Interrogatives
- Difference between adónde/adonde/dónde/donde in Spanish
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Querer que followed by the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish subjunctive after "puede que" to express possibility
- Using desde que / hasta que (since/until) with Spanish indicative and subjunctive (subordinate time clauses)
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Ya que/ Puesto que/ Porque/No porque followed by indicative/subjunctive (subordinate causal clauses)
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Cuando + indicative for past events in Spanish (subordinate time clauses)
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Mientras with past tenses in the indicative and subjunctive in Spanish (subordinate time/conditional clauses)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Para que followed by the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish (purpose subordinate clauses)
B2: Pronouns
- Spanish relative clauses with the indicative and the subjunctive (subordinate relative clauses)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the infinitive to express a request/command/give instructions in Spanish
- Using haber + participle: perfect infinitive in Spanish
B2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using ya/ya no meaning now/already/finally/any longer
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish future perfect to talk about the past (El Futuro Perfecto)
- Using the Spanish perfect future to talk about completed actions in the future with reference to another future action (El Futuro Perfecto)
- Pedir followed by the Spanish present subjunctive to ask someone to do something
- Pedir followed by the Spanish imperfect subjunctive to ask someone to do something
- How to say "must have [done something] in Spanish with the verb deber
- Using ser de un/una [noun]
- Por culpa de/gracias a = because of/thanks to in Spanish
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Using qué de + noun in exclamations about quantities
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Spanish "if" with past tenses in the indicative
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Spanish verb sobrar: different meanings
- Some adjectives change meaning in Spanish when used with ser or estar
B2: Pronouns
- Spanish pronouns Ello versus eso (it/that)
B2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using nada/nada de to say not at all in Spanish
B2: Pronouns
- Position of Spanish reflexive and direct object pronouns with infinitive/present participle and affirmative commands
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Spanish impersonal statements followed by the infinitive or by the subjunctive with que
B2: Pronouns
- Spanish verbs Dejar vs Dejarse (pronominal verbs)
- Spanish verbs Dormir vs Dormirse (pronominal verbs)
- Spanish verbs Acordar vs Acordarse (pronominal verbs)
- Spanish verbs Animar vs Animarse (pronominal verbs)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Para que followed by the present subjunctive in Spanish (purpose subordinate clauses)
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Siempre que/a condición de que in Spanish (subordinate conditional clauses)
- Sin/sin que + infinitive/subjuntive in Spanish (subordinate manner clause)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish subjunctive with verbs that express "wish" and "feeling" (conditional in the main clause)
- How to use olvidar/olvidarse for "to forget" in Spanish (pronominal verbs/accidental se)
- Using the Spanish conditional simple to talk about a future in the past
- How to say I can't wait/I can't wait to do something in Spanish with no ver la hora
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using por for due to / because of / for in Spanish (subordinate causal clauses)
- Según / conforme = as / as per / according to in Spanish (subordinate manner clause)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Verbs ver, oír, escuchar + infinitive/gerund
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Según / conforme / a medida que for "as / when / at the same time as" in Spanish (subordinate time clause)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish present subjunctive with verbs giving advice / order (sugerir, recomendar, prohibir)
- Using the Spanish imperfect subjunctive with verbs giving advice/order (sugerir, recomendar, prohibir)
- How to say to have something done in Spanish - mainly beauty and body contexts
- Como / cuando / donde / quien with indicative or subjunctive in Spanish
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- En cuanto/apenas/tan pronto como for as soon as in Spanish (subordinate time clauses)
B2: Nouns & Articles
- Using the Spanish neuter article "lo" to refer to a clause, verb, adjective or adverb
B2: Pronouns
- Emphatic Spanish reflexive pronouns for myself, yourself, himself...
B2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- How to use "un tanto/algo + adjective" in Spanish
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Spanish verbs Decir vs Contar (to tell)
- The conditional simple + que + the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish (wish, advice, feelings)
- Using por poco/casi/un poco más y + present tense for nearly/almost in Spanish
- Spanish verb "faltar": different meanings
- Using dársele bien/mal algo to say you are good/bad at something/doing something
- Verbs ver, oír, escuchar, oler, sentir, encontrar in the imperfect
B2: Nouns & Articles
- Most Spanish nouns ending in u and i are masculine
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Spanish -uar verbs in the present subjuntive (El Presente de Subjuntivo: actuar, continuar)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Spanish verbs Perder/perderse (pronominal verbs)
- Using hacer with subjunctive/infinitive for to make [someone] do something in Spanish
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Some Spanish -iar verbs in the Spanish present subjunctive take an accent (liar, enviar, criar)
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Ojalá with past tenses in the subjunctive in Spanish
- Yo que tú / Si yo fuera tú / Yo de ti for If I were you in Spanish
B2: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using tanto... como for "both"
B2: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using cómo de + adjective/adverb to ask about the degree or extent of a specific quality
- Using qué tan/cuán + adjective/adverb to ask about the degree or extent of a specific quality
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish indicative with a lo mejor/igual/lo mismo (Spain)
- Using the Spanish indicative with a lo mejor/lo mismo (LatAm)
B2: Pronouns
- Using lo que + más/menos for what + verb + the most/the least in Spanish
- Spanish relative clauses using the infinitive
B2: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Spanish modal verbs in progressive tenses
- Menos mal / menos mal que to express relief
B2: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Spanish verbs crear, creer and criar
C1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Darle a alguien por [hacer] algo = to take up something/to feel like doing something (perífrasis verbal)
C1: Nouns & Articles
- Using de lo más + adjective to emphasise a quality or defect of someone/something (neutral article)
C1: Pronouns
- The Spanish Se aspectual
C1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using dicho, dicha, dichos, dichas to say this/these (formal)
C1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using the Spanish present tense to order, advise or make a request
- Using lo de que / lo de to refer to something already mentioned
- Using tener + past participle to express the completion of an action (perífrasis verbal)
- Using ir + present participle to emphasise the progression of an action (perífrasis verbal)
- Using que at the beginning of a question to express disbelief (without a written accent)
- Using the pluperfect subjunctive in hypothetical clauses (si) followed by the perfect conditional/ the pluperfect subjunctive
- Using poner/poner(se) + a + infinitive = to start to carry out an action (perífrasis verbal)
- Using modal verbs in the passive voice in Spanish
C1: Nouns & Articles
- Using Spanish infinitives as nouns with the definite article El
- Using el de/la de/los de/las de to specify what/who you are talking about
C1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Difference between porqué and por que (noun vs preposition + conjunction)
C1: Pronouns
- Using Spanish relatives el que, la que, los que, las que = the one/ones who/that (relative pronouns)
- Using cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas to say whose + noun (relative adjective)
C1: Verbs Tenses & Conjugation
- Forming the Spanish passive voice with ser + participle (Compound tenses - passive voice)
- Forming the Spanish passive voice with progressive tenses (passive voice)
C1: Adjectives & Adverbs
- Using más que for "only / just" in Spanish
- Using "más + adjective + jamás + participle/subjunctive
- Using past participle clauses in Spanish
C1: Idioms, Idiomatic Usage, and Structures
- Using ¿a que...? to seek confirmation / threaten / predict
- Spanish words Echo and Hecho
- Using con lo cual / por lo cual to mean therefore (connectives)
- Using "anda, anda que, anda que no" for surprise, encouragement, emphasis (interjections)
- Using haber + past participle for you should/shouldn't have done something
- Using con lo que + indicative for despite
- Introducing a causal clause with "por eso/aquello de..." (causal subordinate clause)
- Using the Spanish expression "no salirle algo a alguien"
- Using ser de un (adjective) que
- Using ser or no ser + mucho de/ muy de/ tanto de/ más de + infinitive
- Using que si...que si... in Spanish
- A tan solo + [length of time] + de for just [some time] before
- Using ir + y / coger + y to introduce something unexpected and sudden
- Spanish verb Pensar + infinitive to express intention
- Using Qué + noun/adjective/adverb + que + subjunctive to express feelings
- Cuando + the imperfect subjunctive
- Using gustar de [algo/hacer algo] in Spanish to formally express liking
- Por mucho / más / muy que for no matter how much
- Using Spanish verb temer(se) with indicative or subjunctive
- El/la/los/las + noun + que + verb to indicate quantity/intensity (exclamations)
- Tal como/cual = Just as... (subordinate manner clauses)
- Using Spanish verb venir a + infinitive to indicate approximation/end of a process (perífrasis verbal)
- Using "y eso que" in Spanish for despite/even though
- Using the imperative of mirar/oír with specific meanings -irony, attention, supposition
- Using the simple conditional/the simple future to narrate past actions in Spanish
- Spanish verb Tratar/ Tratar de and Tratarse de
- Using the Formal Pronominal Passive Imperative in orders/instructions in Spanish
- Using ser fácil/difícil + infinitive vs ser fácil/difícil de + infinitive
- Using que to express purpose in Spanish
- La de + noun + que + verb to intensify
- Using si / sí for emphasis in Spanish
- Estar para + infinitive to say someone/something is ready for something
- Using "como si" in Spanish with indicative to express indifference
- Using Ni que + subjuntivo in Spanish
- Using Spanish verb venir + present participle (perífrasis verbal)
- Haber de + infinitive to express formal obligation or future action (perífrasis verbal)
- Using hacer/mandar + infinitive in Spanish for "to have something done"
- Using "ya" with the Spanish Future to mean soon/at some point in the future
- Using llevar + past participle to express the completion of an action so far (perífrasis verbal)
- Repetition of a word to give emphasis in Spanish
- How to say to have something done with a sentence using the verb in the 3rd person plural
- Subjunctive + relative pronoun or adverb + subjunctive = whatever/wherever/whenever/whoever
- Using "como si" + the imperfect subjunctive for an ironic reproach
- Using "cómo no" to say "of course"
- Tocar + infinitive for "it is time for someone to do something" (perífrasis verbal)
- Using Cómo/dónde/quién/qué + ir a + infinitive to state the obvious/impossible
- Using the Spanish gerund as a command
- Using the simple future and the perfect future to express surprise or rejection
- Using Estar por + infinitive to express feeling tempted/having the intention to do something (perífrasis verbal)
- Using dar de + infinitive with eating and drinking related verbs
- How to say to remind someone of something with the verb recordar
- Verbs that always use "se las" in Spanish
- Using ir por to express what point/stage someone has reached
- Using "a ver" for "let's see"
- Lo que + verb + subject for emphasis
- Using "cómo es que/cómo que" for "how come/what do you mean?"
- Using the present in Spanish to narrate past events
- A + [time] + de + infinitive for within + [time] of + gerund in Spanish
- Si + Imperfect subjunctive for "if only/I wish"
- Using the Spanish imperfect tense to refer to a present action/future action
- Using ir + y / agarrar + y to introduce something unexpected and sudden
- Using the simple conditional or the perfect conditional to express objection/disbelief to a statement said before
- Forming the Spanish passive with "estar" (pasiva de estado)
- Using dar algo por + past participle/adjective
- Using Spanish verb verse + past participle (perífrasis verbal)
- Using andar + present participle to express "going around" [doing something] (perífrasis verbal)
- Using the simple future or the perfect future to express objection/disbelief to a statement said before
C1: Negative Words & Constructions
- Using negative conjunction ni/ni siquiera in Spanish
C1: Prepositions & Conjunctions
- Using the Spanish "por si/por si acaso" for "in case" (subordinate conditional clause)
- Use of preposition a with Spanish verbs ir, salir, venir
- Using salvo que/a menos que/ a no ser que for except/unless
- Using the pluperfect subjunctive after the conjunction como si (subordinate manner clauses)
- Difference between por mí que and para mí que
- Using preposition "a" to indicate how/in which style something is done
- Spanish verb Preferir a vs Preferir que
- Con tal de que / Con tal de (subordinate purpose and conditional clause)
- Using nada más with infinitive for as soon as (subordinate time clauses)
- Using conque to express therefore/so
- Using Spanish preposition ante
- Using de tan/tanto + que/como to express a cause (subordinate causal clause)
- Using que + the present subjunctive in Spanish to to express a wish/command
- Ya sea/ya fuera... o... to express whether... or...
- De + infinitive (subordinate conditional clause)
- Using como as "if" (subordinate conditional clause)
C1: Pronouns
- Spanish verb Jugar vs Jugarse (pronominal verbs)
- Hay/tengo/quiero vs lo hay/lo tengo/lo quiero (presence/absence of the direct object pronoun)
- Spanish dativo de interés - specific use of Spanish indirect object pronouns
- Spanish verb Encontrar vs Encontrarse (pronominal verbs)
- Lo + Spanish possessive pronouns
- Spanish verb Aprovechar vs Aprovecharse (pronominal verbs)
- Lo + Spanish possessive pronouns
- No sé vs No lo sé = I don't know