In Spanish we use quién to ask who. Prepositions can also be used with quién.
Learn how to ask whose, to whom, who with, who for in Spanish
To ask Whose…? To whom…? Who with…? Who for…? in Spanish we use:
Preposition + quién / quiénes
Remember that unlike in English, in Spanish the word who has a singular and a plural form: quién and quiénes.
Read and listen to these examples:
Note that the position of the preposition is different compared to English questions. In Spanish the preposition always goes in front of quién/quiénes, unlike in English where if you use who the preposition is placed at the end of the sentence.
It's important to note that the preposition used in Spanish may be a different one to the one used in English, for example:
Pensar en alguien = to think of/about someone
Also remember to accentuate quién and quiénes as they are interrogatives
See also Asking questions with prepositions + qué in Spanish
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Asking questions about people with preposition + quién in Spanish