Using alguien to say someone or anyone in Spanish

Learn about the Spanish "alguien"

We use the indefinite pronoun alguien to say someone or anyone:

  • alguien only refers to people, not animals or things 
  • there is only one form which is singular - it has no plural form.

Read and listen to these examples:

Alguien quiere hablar contigo urgentemente.Someone wants to talk to you urgently.

He visto a alguien que llevaba una pistola.I've seen someone who was carrying a gun.

However in interrogative sentences alguien  can be translated as anyone."

Have a look:

¿Ha visto usted a alguien entrar en el edificio?Have you seen anyone entering the building?

¿Alguien tiene un cigarrillo?Does anyone have a cigarette?

See also:  

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Examples and resources

He visto a alguien que llevaba una pistola.I've seen someone who was carrying a gun.
¿Ha visto usted a alguien entrar en el edificio?Have you seen anyone entering the building?
¿Alguien tiene un cigarrillo?Does anyone have a cigarette?
¿Puede alguien ayudarte con los deberes?Could anyone help you with your homework?
Alguien quiere hablar contigo urgentemente.Someone wants to talk to you urgently.
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