In Spanish there are different words that can express "under".
Learn how to say "under" in Spanish
Debajo de (preposition)
To express "under" as in "under a place/location" we commonly use the preposition "debajo de ...". This is when we say "under something". Using debajo de is the most common way to express under something.
For example:
Remember you MUST include the preposition "de" when it means under something.
Incorrect: Tus zapatos están debajo la mesa.
Debajo or Abajo (adverb)
To simply say something/someone is underneath, under there, down there, down here, below - as an adverb, we use debajo or abajo (without de). Debajo and abajo are interchangeable in most cases but debajo is generally more precise and abajo a bit more vague.
For example:
Bajo (preposition)
another Spanish preposition used with exactly the same meaning as debajo de but bajo is slightly more formal.
Unlike debajo de, we use bajo without "de".
For example:
For example, It is incorrect to say:
Note that we do not use bajo as an adverb, so this is incorrect:
Bajo (other meanings)
The Spanish preposition bajo is very versatile; it doesn't always literally refer to a physical location but can express a figurative meaning; generally it conveys a sense of dependency, subordination or influence:
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different meanings for "seguro"
Hola Gerald
It's funny that the adverb "seguramente" will make you think of "surely" more than "probably" but the thing is in Spanish it's mainly used as a synonym of "probablemente". You can also use "seguramente" meaning "surely" but in the sense of "being confident" more than anything. You can see here what the RAE says for the definition of "seguramente".
Saludos y felices fiestas
Muy esclarecedor gracias.
different meanings for "seguro"
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Verbos de movimiento
Hola Inma, busco un listo de verbs de moviemiento. He buscado el internet. ¿Existe un listo de estos verbos? Gracias y que tengas una buena tarde.
Hola Kenneth
Aquí está la lista de verbos comunes indicando movimiento, con sus preposiciones.
Espero que sea útil.
Hola Kenneth
Estamos haciendo una lista de verbos de movimiento en este momento. Estará lista pronto : ))
Verbos de movimiento
Hola Inma, busco un listo de verbs de moviemiento. He buscado el internet. ¿Existe un listo de estos verbos? Gracias y que tengas una buena tarde.
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Great lesson
Hola Inma,
Very comprehensive and has cleared up a lot of my confusion. Saludos. John
Glad you found it useful, John.
Great lesson
Hola Inma,
Very comprehensive and has cleared up a lot of my confusion. Saludos. John
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