Conjugate irregular verbs caber and saber in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)

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Saber (to know) and Caber (to fit) are irregular in El Futuro Simple  because they have an irregular stem.

Learn how to conjugate saber and caber in El Futuro Simple in Spanish

They are formed by adding the regular endings to their irregular stems:

  saber (to know)   caber (to fit)
yo sabré cabré
sabrás cabrás
él / ella / Ud. sabrá cabrá
nosotros sabremos cabremos
vosotros sabréis cabréis
ellos / ellas / Uds.   sabrán cabrán

Read and listen to these examples:

¿Crees que cabré aquí?Do you think I will fit in here?

No cabrás en el garage con tantas cosas.You will not fit in the garage with so many things. [you = tú]

No te preocupes, ese sofá grande cabrá en el salón.Don't worry, that big sofa will fit in the living room.

No cabremos todos en el ascensor.We will not all fit in the lift.

Sólo cabréis dos de vosotros en mi coche.Only two of you will fit in my car. [you = vosotros]

3 kilos de manzanas cabrán en mi bolsa.3 kilos of apples will fit in my bag.

No sabré el resultado hasta mañana.I will not know the result until tomorrow.

sabrás mi respuesta en el momento oportuno.You will know my answer at the appropriate moment.

Luisa sabrá la verdad muy pronto.Luisa will know the truth very soon.

¿Sabremos si es la persona correcta?Will we know if she is the right person?

Vosotras sabréis quiénes serán vuestros profesores esta mañana.You will know who your teachers will be this morning.

Ellos sabrán cómo hablar con sus padres.They will know how to speak to his parents.

Vamos, ustedes cabrán en el ascensor.Come on, you will fit in the elevator.

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Examples and resources

No cabrás en el garage con tantas cosas.You will not fit in the garage with so many things. [you = tú]
Sólo cabréis dos de vosotros en mi coche.Only two of you will fit in my car. [you = vosotros]
¿Crees que cabré aquí?Do you think I will fit in here?
3 kilos de manzanas cabrán en mi bolsa.3 kilos of apples will fit in my bag.
No te preocupes, ese sofá grande cabrá en el salón.Don't worry, that big sofa will fit in the living room.
No cabremos todos en el ascensor.We will not all fit in the lift.
No sabré el resultado hasta mañana.I will not know the result until tomorrow.
sabrás mi respuesta en el momento oportuno.You will know my answer at the appropriate moment.
Luisa sabrá la verdad muy pronto.Luisa will know the truth very soon.
¿Sabremos si es la persona correcta?Will we know if she is the right person?
Ellos sabrán cómo hablar con sus padres.They will know how to speak to his parents.
Vosotras sabréis quiénes serán vuestros profesores esta mañana.You will know who your teachers will be this morning.
Vamos, ustedes cabrán en el ascensor.Come on, you will fit in the elevator.
Conjugate irregular verbs caber and saber in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)
1 of 2
Ella dónde poner las cosas. (She will know where to put the things.)
Conjugate "saber" in El Futuro Simple.

Q&A Forum 1 question, 1 answer

Jeffrey C.B2Kwiziq community member

Capitalization issue on very first word of sentence

In one of the questions, Cabrán is the very first word of the sentence, and there is no other part of the sentence (like a mid-stream capitalization.  I was marked only partially right for capitalizing it and it "corrected" me to lower-case.

Cabrán todo mis libros en esa caja?

Isn't that correct?  The quiz said it was supposed to be

cabràn todo mis libros en esa caja?

Asked 1 year ago
SilviaKwiziq Native Spanish TeacherCorrect answer

Hola Jeffrey

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Jeffrey C. asked:

Capitalization issue on very first word of sentence

In one of the questions, Cabrán is the very first word of the sentence, and there is no other part of the sentence (like a mid-stream capitalization.  I was marked only partially right for capitalizing it and it "corrected" me to lower-case.

Cabrán todo mis libros en esa caja?

Isn't that correct?  The quiz said it was supposed to be

cabràn todo mis libros en esa caja?

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