Test your Spanish grammar and vocabulary with our themed fill-in-the-blanks tests. For a comprehensive evaluation of your skills, consider starting with our Spanish level test. After you choose a topic, click "start test" and then the first blank to see the English translation of the surrounding phrase. Type the correct answer and click the next blank. After you fill in all the gaps, click "finish test" to see your results. Each answer, right or wrong, is linked to a related lesson or vocab list which you can add to your Notebook to study later.


A1: Beginner Spanish fill-in-the-blanks exercises

  • Acción de Gracias
    Test yourself on adjectival gender and number agreement. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Adviento
    Fill in the gaps with the right form of El Presente.
  • Aprendiendo a nadar
    Fill in the gaps with the right form of El Futuro Próximo. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Ay, ¡qué calor!
    Fill in the gaps with the right form of regular adjectives. Pay attention to the hints to find the correct agreement!
  • Años bisiestos
    Fill in the gaps with the right form of El Presente of the verb given in the hint.
  • Bodas de Sangre
    Fill in the gaps with the right form of El Presente. Note that there is one use of the "Present Historic" where in English we would use the simple past.
  • Celebrando la paz
    There are some lovely activities at Jaime’s school to celebrate International Peace Day. Practise Spanish prepositions with this gapfill exercise. Choose one of the options given!
  • Ciudades de Colombia
    “Hay” or “está”? Fill in the blanks with the right word.
  • Controlando la diabetes
    Practise muy, mucho, más and menos with this gapfill exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Cumpleaños
    Practise possessive adjectives with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • De compras
    Practise Spanish colours and their agreement with this fill-in-the-blanks kwiz
  • Diversidad de culturas indígenas en América Latina
    Practise the present tense of different Spanish modal verbs. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Diversión en Port Aventura
    Claudia and her friends are spending the day at Port Aventura, in Salou. Practise ser and estar with this gapfill exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Día Internacional de las Bibliotecas
    Fill in the blanks with the right form of El Presente. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Día Mundial de la Filosofía
    Practise El Presente with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • El Día Internacional del Beso
    Fill in the blanks with the right form of the definite article (el / la / los / las) or the indefinite article (un / una / unos / unas). Pay attention to the hints!
  • El Día de la Raza en la escuela
    Miguel tells us how the day unfolds at school while celebrating “el Día de la Raza”. Practise Forming regular gerunds in Spanish (-ing form) with this gapfill. Pay attention to the hints!
  • El Entierro de la Sardina
    Practise different Spanish prepositions with this gapfill exercise about this traditional event celebrated in Madrid. Choose one of the options given!
  • El Tren a las Nubes
    Explore Argentina on the 'Train to the Clouds', offering stunning high-altitude views. Fill in the blanks with the right form of El Presente. Pay attention to the hints!
  • El Triángulo de las Bermudas
    Surely you've heard about the "Triángulo de las Bermudas" and its mystery... Practice Spanish regular adjectives, and Spanish invariable adjectives with this fill in the blank exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • El camello cojito
    Fill in the blanks with the right form of the following verbs in the present tense.
  • El clima
    Choose either hace, hay, está or an impersonal verb to talk about the weather. See also Weather vocabulary in Spanish
  • El desfile de Acción de Gracias
    Practise prepositions with this gapfill. Pay attention to the hints!
  • El futbolín
    Fill in the gaps with "muy" or "mucho".
  • El mundo marino
    Pedro is going to enjoy a day at the sea with his son. Test your Basic sea vocabulary in Spanish with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • El tiempo en enero
    Fill in the blanks with the right form in order to talk about the weather. Pay attention to the hints!
  • En el metro de México DF
    Juan is taking the metro to work. Test your Essential subway vocabulary in Spanish with this gapfill exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • En el médico
    Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word from "At the doctor" vocabulary in Spanish vocabulary list. Pay attention to the hints!
  • En el parque
    Conjugate the verb given in the hint in El Presente progresivo (the present continuous)
  • En la fiesta virtual de Paco
    Fill in the blanks with the right word from "Greeting and introducing yourself" vocabulary in Spanish vocabulary list. Pay attention to the hints!
  • En la selva
    Fill in the blanks with the right demonstrative adjective for this/these/that/those
  • Flamencos en Doñana
    Choose between "hay" and "está" to fill in the gaps.
  • Gisela Pulido
    Fill in the blanks with the right form of El Presente. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Halloween
    Ready for Halloween? Practise adjectival agreement (-o, -a, -os, -as) with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise.
  • José Luis Garci
    Test your Spanish regular adverbs with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Juegos de escape
    Fill in the blanks with the right form of El Futuro Próximo. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Jugando a juegos tradicionales
    Daniela is trying to get her children off their screens to play some traditional games. Practise Spanish modal verbs in the present tense with this gapfill exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Junio en Sevilla
    Practise the verbs gustar / encantar in El Presente with this gapfill exercise about being in Seville in June. Pay attention to the hints!
  • La Habana
    Fill in the gaps with the right option given in the hint.
  • La bandera española
    Fill in the gaps with the right adjective form, pay attention to the gender and number.
  • La cena de Nochevieja
    Practise modal verbs in El Presente (present tense) in Spanish with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise
  • La comunidad Wichi
    Fill in the blanks with the right possessive adjective. Pay attention to the hints!
  • La eterna primavera de Gran Canaria
    Choose between "hay", "hace", "está" or an impersonal verb from the hint to talk about the weather in Gran Canaria.
  • La fiesta de Ekeko
    Practise El Presente with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • La gastronomía española
    Practise your Typical food & drink from Spain in Spanish vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise!
  • La habitación
    Violeta's mum is describing her daughter's bedroom. Test your vocabulary relating to Bedroom vocabulary in Spanish. Pay attention to the hints!
  • La paga extra de Navidad
    Cristina tells us about the extra pay Spanish people usually get just before Christmas. Practise the Spanish Present Tense with this fill-in-the-gap exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • La rutina de Julia
    Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronoun.
  • La rutina de Pedro
    Fill in the gaps with the right reflexive pronoun.
  • La semana de Nuria
    Nuria has a busy week ahead. Test your Days of the week vocabulary in Spanish with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise. Pay attention to the hints!

A2: Lower Intermediate Spanish fill-in-the-blanks exercises

B1: Intermediate Spanish fill-in-the-blanks exercises

B2: Upper Intermediate Spanish fill-in-the-blanks exercises

C1: Advanced Spanish fill-in-the-blanks exercises

  • Boxeo en México
    Martín has discovered that Mexican boxing is very interesting. Practise some advanced idiomatic expressions with this fill-in-the-gap exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Comiendo en Cuba
    Practise your Spanish pronominal/non-pronominal verbs with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Cuidando de adolescentes
    Fill in the blanks with the right clause. Choose one of the options given!
  • Deportes un tanto inusuales
    Here are some very unusual sports that are gaining popularity in Latin America. Practise the passive voice with ser, including some modal verbs too, with this gapfill exercise.
  • Echando una quiniela en España
    Alberto and Miguel are ready to bet on the football [US: soccer] results. They need to guess 15 scores! Test your vocabulary relating to La quiniela en España - Spanish football pool. Pay attention to the hints!
  • El Imperio azteca
    Fill in the blanks with the right expression. Pay attention to the hints!
  • El Ratoncito Pérez
    There’s an excited little boy who will have a visit from Ratoncito Pérez tonight! Practise different idiomatic expressions with this fill-in-the-gap-exercise. Pay attention to the hints and choose one of the options given!
  • El chiringuito
    Choose between "para mí que" and "por mí que" to complete the dialogue. Don't forget the written accent on "mí"!
  • El mate, bebida argentina
    Practise Spanish subordinate clauses with this gapfill exercise. Choose one of the options given!
  • En clase de flamenco
    Fill in the blanks with the right verb (pronominal verbs or non-pronominal verbs). Choose one of the options given!
  • En el spa después de las fiestas navideñas
    Complete this fill-in-the-gap exercise with the right subordinate clause. Choose one of the options given in the hint!
  • Janucá en España
    Fill in the blanks with the right idiomatic expression. Pay attention to the hints!
  • José Sacristán
    Fill in the blanks with the right relative pronoun. Be careful! Some pronouns also require a preposition. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Juventud, divino tesoro
    Fill in the blanks with the right relative pronoun. You might also need to use a preposition in some cases. Choose one of the options given!
  • La instalación de WiFi en casa
    Fill in the gaps with the correct Spanish terms for internet connectivity. Choose one of the options given!
  • Las uvas
    Choose the right idiomatic expression to fill in the blanks. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Llamadas en línea
    Belén and Darío are struggling with the video call they set up to study together. Fill in the gaps with the right subordinating conjunction. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Lorena Ochoa: gran golfista mexicana
    Practise different verbal structures called Perífrasis verbal by completing this fill-in-the-gap exercise. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Los churros del domingo
    Pedro gets up early on Sunday to get some churros for breakfast. Practise different subordinate clauses with this gapfill exercise. Choose one of the three options given!
  • Los sabores del mar en O Grove
    Fill in the blanks with the right conditional clause: oracion condicional con si. Pay attention to the instructions!
  • Mujeres en lucha
    Practise the Voz pasiva with the verb "ser" with inspiring examples about women’s rights. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Partida de tute en el bar
    Fill in the blanks with the right Perífrasis verbal. Choose one of the proposed options!
  • Receta de latkes
    Enjoy a delicious Hanukkah recipe while choosing the right Perífrasis verbal to fill in the blanks. You must choose one of the options given.
  • Si lo hubiera sabido antes
    Fill in the blanks with the right form of the 2nd/3rd hypothetical clauses. Pay attention to the hints!
  • Un fin de semana estupendo
    Fill in the gaps with the right form of the neutral article "lo".
  • Un poquito de historia de Eurovisión
    Practise different forms of the Spanish Voz pasiva with this gapfill containing interesting facts about the Eurovision Song Contest.
  • Un viaje en BlaBlaCar
    Practise relative pronouns with this gapfill exercise. Choose from one of the options given!
  • Una tormenta inesperada
    Feel the thrill of a tropical storm catching you off guard in the rainforest. Choose the right form. Choose one of the options given!
  • Volcán Cumbre Vieja en La Palma
    Practise your Spanish vocabulary with this studylist related to Geological words in Spanish relating to volcanoes. Pay attention to the hints!


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