Spanish nouns ending in -or are masculine

Learn about Spanish nouns ending in -or

Most nouns that end in -or are masculine.

Have a look at the following examples:

Dicen que el amor lo puede todo.They say that love conquers all.

El trabajador no ha venido a la fábrica hoy.The worker didn't come to the factory today.

El paciente tenía mucho dolor en su espalda.The patient had a lot of pain in his back.

To form the plural of these nouns simply add an -es:

No me gustan los colores del cuadro.I don't like the colours in the painting.

Los diseñadores van a presentar a sus modelos.The designers are going to introduce their models.

Flor (flower) and labor (work) are some exceptions to this rule as they are feminine!
Remember that the articles and adjectives accompanying these nouns must agree in gender and number.


-or nouns with a feminine form

Be careful!!! If the noun ending in -or can refer to both a man and a woman, e.g. trabajador (worker) or tutor (tutor), then for the female, you need to add an -a:

El tutor de alemán de mi hijo es de Austria.My son's German tutor is from Austria. (male tutor)

La tutora de alemán de mi hijo es de Austria.My son's German tutor is from Austria. (female tutor)

And their plural will also be different:

-add -es for the male



-add -as for the female




Learn more about Gender of nouns in Spanish: masculine

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Examples and resources

Dicen que el amor lo puede todo.They say that love conquers all.
No me gustan los colores del cuadro.I don't like the colours in the painting.
Los diseñadores van a presentar a sus modelos.The designers are going to introduce their models.
El paciente tenía mucho dolor en su espalda.The patient had a lot of pain in his back.
El trabajador no ha venido a la fábrica hoy.The worker didn't come to the factory today.
El tutor de alemán de mi hijo es de Austria.My son's German tutor is from Austria. (male tutor)
La tutora de alemán de mi hijo es de Austria.My son's German tutor is from Austria. (female tutor)
Spanish nouns ending in -or are masculine
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