Forming the pluperfect progressive tense in Spanish with estar + present participle (El Pluscuamperfecto Progresivo)

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Every Spanish past tense has a continuous (progressive) form to express an action which is continuing or ongoing in the past.

Learn about El Pluscuamperfecto Progresivo in Spanish 

In the case of El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto, this is how the progressive tense is formed.

It follows this pattern for most regular verbs:

Estar in El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto +

-ando (-AR verbs)


-iendo (-ER and -IR verbs)

It works the same way as the English pluperfect progressive, "had been doing". But remember it is "estar" and not "ser".

Look at and listen to these examples:

Yo había estado bailando con Carlos.I had been dancing with Carlos.

habías estado jugando al rugby en el parque.You had been playing rugby in the park.

Ella había estado practicando su discurso.She had been practising her speech.

Nosotros habíamos estado tomando café con unos amigos.We had been having coffee with some friends.

Vosotros habíais estado bromeando con las chicas.You had been joking around with the girls.

Ellos habían estado organizando todos los preparativos de la boda.They had been organising all the wedding preparations.

Ustedes habían estado jugando a las cartas.You had been playing cards.


El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto

Verbs ending in -AR
LLAMAR (to call)

Verbs ending in -ER-IR
APRENDER (to learn)
VIVIR (to live)

había estado



habías estado

había estado

habíamos estado

habíais estado

habían estado

For irregular gerunds/present participles see List of Spanish irregular gerunds/present participles of the form -iendo and List of Spanish irregular gerunds/present participles of the form -yendo

See also: Forming the present perfect progressive tense in Spanish with estar + present participle (El Pretérito Perfecto Progresivo)

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Examples and resources

Yo había estado bailando con Carlos.I had been dancing with Carlos.
habías estado jugando al rugby en el parque.You had been playing rugby in the park.
Nosotros habíamos estado tomando café con unos amigos.We had been having coffee with some friends.
Ellos habían estado organizando todos los preparativos de la boda.They had been organising all the wedding preparations.
Ella había estado practicando su discurso.She had been practising her speech.
Ustedes habían estado jugando a las cartas.You had been playing cards.
Vosotros habíais estado bromeando con las chicas.You had been joking around with the girls.
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