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The construction tanto... como is not only used in comparative sentences - see Using tanto como with verbs and nouns to say as much/many ... as (comparatives) for this - but also as a conjunction that joins two elements in a sentence meaning (generally) "both... and". Depending on what is between the two parts of the conjunction the translation may vary.
Have a look at the following examples:
Cuando era una adolescente me gustaban tanto los chicos como las chicas.When I was a teenager I liked both boys and girls.
Tanto mi hermano como mi hermana tienen animales en casa.Both my brother and my sister have pets at home.
Deberías ponerte siempre crema solar, tanto por la mañana como por la tarde.You should always apply suncream, both in the morning and the afternoon.
Tanto cuando son pequeños como cuando son mayores, los hijos siempre preocupan a los padres.Whether they are young or grown up, children are always a worry for their parents.
Podemos usar ese mueble tanto para guardar juguetes como para guardar ropa.We can use that item of furniture to either store toys or store clothes.
Hemos conseguido formar una plantilla tanto leal como eficiente.We managed to create both a faithful and efficient workforce.
Para este proyecto, tanto Cristina como David serían buenos candidatos.For this project, both Cristina and David would be good candidates.
See also Using ni... ni... for neither... nor... in Spanish
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