Practise your Spanish listening comprehension with our ever-growing collection of interactive Spanish audio articles and listening challenges for every CEFR level from A0 to C1! If you're unsure about your current proficiency, try our test to get your Spanish level before diving into the exercises.
All listening exercises are made by our qualified native Spanish teachers to help you improve your listening comprehension and confidence.
We have 2 types of Spanish listening exercises:
- interactive readers with Spanish audio and text, English translation and suggested Spanish lessons
- dictation challenges with audio and writing practice
Boost your Spanish listening comprehension by adding the lessons you find most interesting to your Notebook and practising them later.
Click on any exercise to get started.
A1: Beginner Spanish listening exercises
- Una excursión en bici por Tierra de FuegoBerta is excited about her spring bike tour.
- Taza de agua y rosaFabilola is contemplating a stunning masterpiece by Zurbarán.
- Un bono regalo para aprender españolWhat's a better gift than a Kwiziq voucher!
- Un trabajo lujosoEliseo explains why his job is a luxury.
- Una momia en el cuarto de bañoAngela caught her toddler doing something unusual in the bathroom to get ready for Halloween.
- Un torneo de patoLeo describes this Argentinian sport.
- La polleraLuz will wear a pollera to attend her best friend's wedding.
- Una sorpresa para mi novioOn Valentine's Day I'm going to ask my boyfriend to move in with me.
- AVE Madrid - SevillaEliseo is taking the high-speed AVE train to Seville.
- Las ventajas de las bicis plegablesHaving a folding bike is very useful.
- Alpaca Eva shows us the attributes of alpaca fabric
- Las latas de aluminioJulia likes to recycle aluminium cans.
- Desayuno andaluzClara is enjoying a delicious Andalusian breakfast with a view of the Giralda tower.
- Platería argentinaItziar is learning about the silver tradition in Argentina.
- Sola en casaAna is enjoying a moment in her peaceful home.
- En el cementerioVisiting grandma at the cemetery.
- Ropa de otoñoElisa has prepared her wardrobe to enjoy the outdoors this autumn.
- Bananas Pedro talks about why the banana is important for the Honduran economy.
- Los hábitos ecologistas de BárbaraBarbara tries to be as ecological as possible.
- BarraMarilia describes her favourite beach.
- BellezaSergio is learning adjectives related to beauty.
- BiodanzaRoberto describes biodance.
- PájarosEva loves to look at the sky and watch the birds flying.
- Las rebajas del Viernes NegroBlack Friday sales are the best!
- BoxeoFernanda teaches boxing and she explains how combat sports are really beneficial.
- El mariposario de AlmeríaI'm at a wonderful butterfly farm in Almería.
- Camello, barco o helicópteroMiguel is watching a feature about the different means of transport that the Three Wise Men will use to distribute the presents in Spain.
- Sopa de ajos castellanaDiscover what the ingredients you need to cook a tasty Castillian garlic soup.
- Cayo CocoHector describes Cayo Coco.
- Chema MadozAlma tells us about her favourite photographer.
- Ajedrez en mi computadoraI'm playing chess against my computer!
- Los niños son el futuro del planetaSusana explains how family and school can teach environmentally-friendly behaviour so that children can save the planet.
- Los superpoderes de los niñosBetina reveals that children have superpowers.
- Chocolate Amador, owner of a chocolate shop in Quito, tells us that the best chocolate in the world is from Ecuador.
- Chocolate con churrosAraceli tells us about the hispanic tradition of chocolate con churros.
- Mercadillo de NavidadJavi is at the busy Plaza Mayor Christmas market to buy figurines for his nativity and decorations for his Christmas tree.
- ArcillaAlvaro is at his primary school crafting a handmade clay cereal bowl for his daily breakfast.
- Subiendo escaleras para perder pesoMy new way of doing exercise: climbing the stairs everyday.
- Productos de ColombiaAgriculture in Colombia is very important.
- Papi te quieroGustavo wrote a rap to surprise his dad on Father's Day.
- Parejas de baileEduardo has fallen in love with his dance partner.
- Bailar, bailar, bailar Sol tells us why she loves dancing salsa.
- Declaración de amorLove is in the air.
- Descenso del SellaAlberto tells us about the great summer sport event "Descent of the Sella" in Asturias.
- Publicidad digitalAlicia explains how digital platforms are the new channel for commercials and to target more customers.
- Invitaciones digitalesCaro talks about how easy, quick and cheap it is to design and send digital invitations for your events.
- DormirDcinePaula is a film fanatic and has found the perfect hotel for her stay in Madrid.
- Un dibujo de la caraToday at school, Iris's teacher asked her students to draw a face.
- Deportes electrónicosGerardo explains what e-sports are.
- Edurne PasabanAndrea is passionate about mountaineering and tells us about her heroine Edurne Pasaban.
A2: Lower Intermediate Spanish listening exercises
- Un chapuzón en el lagoTaking a dip in a lake is ideal in really hot days.
- Bomberas y paramédicasA firewoman and a female paramedic went to Julieta's school to give a talk to the students.
- Una semana divertidaFreeAdela tells us about all the fun things she did with her best friend this week.
- Una casita en PanamáLaila has an American cousin who wants to retire in Panama.
- Una sorpresa mañaneraBruno gave his boyfriend a morning surprise yesterday.
- Un calcetín rojo y un calcetín azulI wore mis-matching socks yesterday.
- Una finca autososteniblePaloma talks about her family farm.
- Un árbol muy viejo en ChileThere is an ancient tree in Chile that could be the oldest tree in the planet.
- Un deseo por cada uvaElisa is making a list of 12 wishes
- Museo ABC de Dibujo e IlustraciónFrancis invites us to explore the ABC Museum.
- ContableMoises describes his job.
- JarciaNestor talks about the arts and crafts made with the agave plant by the indigenous Xinka.
- Las freidoras de aireSave energy and eat healthier with an air fryer.
- El Parque del Alamillo en SevillaI took my friends to the Alamillo Park in Sevilla.
- Alicia y el cerebro maravillosoEstrella bought her daughter a fantastic book explaining how the brain works.
- Tarde de Roscón de ReyesValentina tells us how she and her family traditionally spend the 6th of January.
- Una idea para tallar tu calabazaPalmira has an idea for how to design the most creative Halloween pumpkin.
- ¿Y tú por qué escribes?Antonio is trying to find out why he wants to do writing therapy.
- Anna Vives, tipógrafa profesionalLearn the inspiring story of a young female designer from Spain who has Down syndrome.
- Arquitectura que sanaClara attended an architectural workshop to learn how to design hospitals that help in the healing process.
- Alfajores argentinosEmilio speaks about the origin of the "alfajor" and tells us which one is his favourite.
- Armando BarriosDario owns a masterpiece by Armando Barrios, the famous cubist Venezuelan artist.
- Averroes Loli talks about one of the most famous medieval hispano-arabic philosophers.
- Máscaras de carnaval de BarranquillaBarranquilla's carnival masks are a vibrant expression of Colombian art.
- Museo Vasco del FerrocarrilHéctor has taken his students to visit the Basque Railway Museum.
- Ser sencilloErnesto has decided changing his life will make him happier.
- Beatriz GalindoBrigido introduces the historical character of Beatriz Galindo.
- Sé influencerInés owns an influencer agency. Discover how this works!
- Belle Époque Catalina tells us about the film "Belle Époque" that her cousin recommended.
- Belén HostaletValeria introduces us an Spanish athleisure designer and influencer.
- Beneficios de la atención plenaMarina tells us why she practises mindfulness.
- Cadiwoman Cadiwoman use the chirigotas to fight for feminist rights.
- Aceite CarbonellPaco talks to us about the world's best-selling olive oil brand.
- El calendario de CarmenCarmen has received a memorable calendar from her grandchildren.
- En teleférico por ChicamochaAlba tell us about her adventure taking the cable car in Chicamocha.
- ChirigotasEstrella explains what a "chirigota" is.
- NochebuenaFreeAlicia tells us about her special Christmas Eve.
- Ensalada de NavidadFederico tells us about a typical Spanish salad for Christmas time.
- Los beneficios del coachingDarío shows us the benefits of coaching in daily life.
- CarbónEstrella describes how she received a sweet surprise on her 5th Epiphany.
- Castillo de CocaConstanza shares her impressions about the spectacular Coca Castle.
- Barrios coloridosRafael tells us about his cousin's a tour of colourful Spanish neighbourhoods.
- El ColónCarmen talks us about the Costa Rican currency.
- Tatuajes de parejaSandra and her boyfriend made a romantic gesture to unite them forever, by each getting a tattoo of half a heart on their arms.
- Trabajar en un caféSamuel is trying to convince his colleague that instead of going to the office they should work from a new coffee shop.
- Artesanía en el mercadoBelén loves creating crafts to sell at the local Christmas market.
- El curso de escritura creativaI'm signing up for a creative writing course.
- Cristóbal BalenciagaLast month Luis visited the exhibition of Cristobal Balenciaga, the famous Spanish fashion designer, at the V&A Museum in London.
- Curanto Jorge explains an ancient Chilean way of cooking.
- El cochinillo de CándidoJoaquin tells us about his lunch at Cándido's Restaurant.
B1: Intermediate Spanish listening exercises
- Chipirones en su tintaSergio tells us how to cook one of his favourite dishes.
- 40 libros que leer antes de los 40Tomas accepted the challenge of reading a selection of 40 books before turning 40.
- 8 alimentos que son buenos para tu cerebroPedro gives advise about what to eat to have a healthy brain.
- Una fiesta de Halloween con buñuelosMarta is preparing traditional buñuelos for her Halloween party.
- Un día en el zoológicoPalmira is excited about her upcoming visit to Cali zoo.
- Un verano détoxVicente has planned a summer retreat at home to boost his energy levels.
- Una noche bajo las estrellasEstrella will take her kids to the countryside to spend the night under the stars and teach them about constellations.
- Una postal cada díaEster cannot wait to check her mailbox.
- Un jardín topiarioDani is looking forward to visiting the Tulcán cementery topiary gardens.
- Consejos para profesoresMarisa has some teacher's tips for a successful year.
- Tren Al AndalusAda is excited to board the luxury Al Andalus train with her girlfriend.
- Festival internacional de teatro clásico de AlmagroSol works for the Almagro International Classical Theater Festival, and will be on a radio show tomorrow to promote it.
- Los problemas de la generación alfaInés is worried about the challenges her daughter's generation will face.
- Una excursión por el glaciar ViedmaIrene is excited about walking on the Viedma glacier in the Parque Nacional Los Glaciares in Argentina.
- Un restaurante inclusivoBerto describes Latin America's most inclusive restaurant.
- AthflowFernando explains the athflow concept.
- Playa de los MuertosCesar goes Almería every summer.
- Ser un cotillaFind out where the expression "ser un cotilla" may come from.
- Amarres de amorVerónica is flying to Havana to get back together with her ex.
- Playas bioluminiscentesVictor talks about these awesome beaches.
- FlorecimientoJacinto always feels reborn, like the Phoenix, in the springtime.
- Isla del BurguilloMarcos tells us about his plan for a fabulous weekend in a castle on an small island.
- Quema calorías limpiandoOscar is a personal trainer who explains how doing housework can be a great fitness routine.
- Comprando una lámparaNacho needs to buy new lamps to give a different ambience to his living room.
- Centro CanalejasRaquel tells us about the luxury project "Centro Canalejas".
- CapoeiraNico wants to initiate his friend in the art of capoeira.
- Caricia, poema a una madreAlvaro wants to dedicate a poem by Gabriela Mistral, the Chilean writer, to his mother.
- Carolina Marín la leyenda del bádminton españolA brief introduction to Carolina Marín.
- CasadoSofia describes Costa Rica's most typical dish.
- Cambio de hábitosI've decided to leave bad habits behind.
- Cerezos en FlorBlanca tells us about the Cherry Blossom Festival in the Jerte Valley in Cáceres (Spain).
- Chocolate con churrosAitor can't wait till New Year comes because on the 1st of January he always has chocolate with churros for breakfast.
- Mercados de Navidad en América LatinaFreeThere is a blend of culture and festivity in Latin American Christmas markets.
- Chupa chups Maica tells us some interesting facts about the famous Chupa Chups lollipops.
- Masaje de cítricosAgustin explains how aromatherapy massage can bring cheer.
- Espacios cotrabajoFermín can't wait to move his company to a co-working space to develop and improve his business.
- Coctelería y mixologíaPerla is announcing the enrolment day for the Coctelería y Mixología course at Madrid Cocktail School.
- El valle de CocoraI really enjoyed hiking on my last visit to the Cocora Valley in Colombia.
- La lucha contra el plástico en ColombiaColombia combats plastic with bans, awareness and sustainability campaigns.
- Mediación de parejaPepa talks about her profession.
- Tarjetas de créditoPaco has too many credit cards, but his wife has a solution.
- Las Cruces de MayoAntonio is excied about his trip to the Crosses of May Festival.
- ¡Desestrésate!Psychologists recommend housework to get rid of stress.
- Decorando la mesaFelipe shares his ideas for decorating a stunning table.
- DeniaCarla is surrounded by retired foreigners each time that she spends the summer holidays with her family in Denia.
- DiamantesNerea explains the birth stone for people born in April.
- Diego sale de costaleroDiego is a proud Easter float bearer.
- Nómadas digitalesCeleste is changing her life to become a digital nomad.
- Descubriendo mi pasadoAfter discovering that he was adopted and his biological parents live in Colombia, Sebastián travelled there to meet them.
- Buceando en Isla de Coco, Costa RicaNoelia is getting ready to go diving for first time in the Pacific ocean.
B2: Upper Intermediate Spanish listening exercises
- Pastores del siglo XXIRosa is changing her profession to became a shepherdess.
- Un castillo templarioJuan tells us about the one of the most popular Templar Castles in Spain.
- Un baby shower solidarioDina wants to invest the budget for her baby shower in a fundraising event for the NGO Madrina Foundation.
- Un crucero por el CaribeWe've finally decided which Caribbean cruise we're choosing for our honeymoon.
- Una compra decepcionanteSometimes we rush too much when faced with a bargain.
- Un vuelo divertidísimoIrene tells us about her entertaining plane ride.
- Un buen restaurante en TegucigalpaI found a very good restaurant with excellent reviews.
- Un hotel sorprendentePatricia has discovered an amazing hotel for her honeymoon.
- Una visita a la Casa Museo Marina Núñez del Prado Alba is revisiting one of her favourite museums.
- Un lugar de acogidaSergio believes that schools must become welcoming places of belonging and community.
- Adelitas Iria talks about a female icon of the Mexican revolution.
- Adolfo Pérez Esquivel: Premio Nobel de la PazAdolfo Pérez Esquivel is an Argentine activist and human rights defender.
- La adoración de los Reyes MagosMariela describes what happened when she the Adoration of the Magi by Velázquez first time with her father at the Prado Museum.
- Anuncios y recuerdosBernardo talks about the impact commercials had on his childhood.
- Sin rumboAntonio talks about his solitary road trips with no fixed destination through the mountains.
- AltamiraMarta is very excited about her trip to Altamira where she plans to visit some very important prehistoric paintings.
- Una experiencia en los baños árabesMy holistic experience in a wonderful Turkish bath.
- El cuaderno de viaje de AndreaExplore Andrea's solo journey across South America and her unforgettable legacy.
- El día de la escarapela argentinaIsabel tells us about the Argentinian escarapela.
- La inteligencia artificial en el mundo educativoThe world of education is adapting to new AI tools.
- La astrología me vuelve locaVanesa took an astrology course and now she is confused by the many horoscopos from diverse cultures that exist.
- PercebesHoracio describes this exclusive Spanish Galician seafood.
- Bocas del ToroDiego reminisces about his holidays in Boca de Toro.
- LibreríasWhile buying a book for his granddaughter, Adrián discovers a book on children's emotional education.
- Beneficios cerebrales de aprender idiomasJulia enrolled in Spanish and Italian classes as soon as she learned about the cerebral benefits of learning a second language.
- Alberto has a craving for cachapas.
- ¿Puedes aguantar 24 horas sin quejarte?Pedro has challenged himself to go 24 hours without complaining. Will he achieve it?
- Celia Sánchez-RamosRodolfo is writing an article about female Latin American and Spanish scientists.
- Che GuevaraFind out how Korda's photo of Che Guevara became an icon and was chosen by Time magazine as one of the most compelling images in history.
- Nochebuena en La Paz Juanjo tells us about his plans to celebrate Christmas Eve in La Paz, Bolivia.
- Alumbrado de NavidadRemedios tells us about the Christmas lights in Málaga.
- Subida al Naranjo de BulnesClimbing one of the most emblematic peaks in the Picos de Europa is mesmerasing.
- Colada y guaguasSergio describes the typical food prepared in Ecuador for All Saints Day.
- Mercado de Artesanías de La CiudadelaWhat an exciting experience I had at this Mexican craft market!
- MicromecenazgoRosaria tells us how she used crowdfunding to successfully launch her startup.
- CriptomonedasPaulo is having second thoughts about investing in cryptocurrency.
- Torre Cube, MéxicoJaime tells us about an iconic building in Jalisco designed by a Spanish woman architect.
- CiberabogadosZulema tells us about the profession of the future: cyber lawyer.
- Día de las VelitasMalena describes the celebration known as the Day of the Candles.
- Debate Jacinto is a moderator in a debate about Latin American policies.
- Poniendo el árbol de NavidadFreeLet's get together to decorate the Christmas tree.
- Desalinizadoras Monica explains how Spain is a world leader in water desalination technology.
- Monólogos de un doctorFabian tells us how he became a comedian thanks to his patients' anecdotes when he was working as a hospital doctor.
- DominóSerafín loves to play dominos.
- Para gustos los coloresMarilia tells us that there are many versions of beauty besides its classic interpretation.
- El Cid Campeador: realidad y leyendaEl Cid is one of the most fascinating characters in Spanish history.
- Elsa y FredCarmen is getting married again.
- EmigraciónRoman tells us why he is emigrating and where to.
- EspartoJulián tells us about the amazing esparto grass festival that takes place in a small village in Navarra.
- Expresiones con coloresLaila explains some Spanish expressions that feature colours.
C1: Advanced Spanish listening exercises
- Un gran admirador del Parque Güell Admire the unique Park Guell in Barcelona by Antoni Gaudí.
- Un mercado en alzaEduardo describes some interesting facts about the rise of the athleisure market.
- Un maquillador terroríficoDo you agree that terrifying make-up is the key to a good horror movie?
- El icónico vestido de boda de AmalAmal's iconic wedding dress by Oscar de la Renta was incredibly beautiful.
- Cuerpo, mente y espírituSebastián tells us how to find harmony and be happy and healthy.
- La Casa Rosada y la Plaza de MayoThe Casa Rosada and Plaza de Mayo are two very important sites in Buenos Aires.
- Desafíos de la transición energética en América LatinaEnergy transition has been hindered by political and economic barriers.
- Diseñador, sastre, modista y costureraMagdalena explains the difference between the many professionals involved in making clothes.
- El cálculo diferencialSomeone is struggling with mathematical concepts before his exam.
- Peligro digitalMaribel is on the verge of bankruptcy because she keeps shopping and spending money on her phone.
- Entreteniendo a mis hijos en el cocheBernardo tells us how he entertained his kids during a terrible traffic jam.
- EpicureismoPepi is discovering Epicureanism.
- IgualdadMartina talks about her thoughts on equality.
- Dilemas éticosThere are crucial questions about the boundaries of innovation and its impact on society.
- El taller de miniaturas de FernandoFernando creates beautiful miniatures.
- El fervor en la procesión de Ayacucho en PerúBeing part of the congregation at the processions in Ayacucho is such a unique experience.
- Reflexología podalSerafín explains foot reflexology.
- Sacando la ropa de veranoVirginia greets summer with a renovated wardrobe.
- GóticoFederico explains Gothic architecture.
- Toma lagarejoJoaquín experiences the initiation for grape pickers in his family's vineyard.
- Más contento que un niño con zapatos nuevosXavi explains a Spanish expression about shoes.
- Alimentación sana para niños en edad escolarSome healthy lunch ideas for school kids.
- HornazoFreeMercedes tells us the origin of the Hornazo and Lunes de Aguas tradition in Salamanca.
- Yo tengo razón, tú estás equivocadoLucas prefers to agree with his brother rather than continue fighting.
- ¡Me han suspendido!I failed my driving test today.
- Me he decidido a montar una lavanderíaThis is the right decision: starting a laundromat.
- Estoy tiesaPaloma is struggling to make ends meet.
- ¡Estoy harta de las tareas domésticas!I don't want to clean or cook any more!
- Insectos en las prácticas de curaciónEver wondered how insects are used for medicinal purposes?
- Instalación de paneles solares en LatinoaméricaSolar panels: working toward a sustainable future in Latin America.
- Los caballos de JerezCome and see the very skillful horses of Jerez dance.
- LEGO: un juguete con mucho éxitoLEGO is probably the toy with the most sucess around the world.
- Las fuentes de La Granja de San IldefonsoVictor is planning to see the San Ildefonso fountains being turned on.
- La movida madrileñaJacinto tries to describe this underground cultural phenomenon.
- Lola FloresPaco tells us about a Spanish icon and flamenco artist whose legacy is alive and going viral on social media, although she left us 25 years ago her.
- La escapada de Manu para surfearFed up with the long winter, Manu decides to escape to Peru to do some surfing.
- Malentendidos y reconciliacionesAntonio judges his best friend too quickly and won't do it again.
- Las vacaciones de mamáJuanjo talks about the freedom, relief and happiness that his mother feels when school starts again.
- Me han jaqueado la casaBelén is at home in her domotic house and now hackers are asking her for a ransom!
- BelenistaMartín talks about his passion about Nativities.
- Fin de Año en VarsoviaHave you ever spent New Year's Eve in a different country? I'm heading to Warsaw this year!
- Reflexiones de Fin de AñoThe end of the year is the perfect moment to look back and reflect on what we’ve experienced.
- La gastronomía de OaxacaDiscover the unique flavours of Oaxaca in Mexico.
- La comida callejera de OaxacaErnesto has fallen in love with Oaxacan street food.
- OlefitnessAraceli is amazed to learn that you can do flamenco for fitness where you can burn up to 600 calories.
- Operación NécoraLearn about one of the first and largest drug trafficking raids in Galicia.
- Parapente en Castejón de SosThis summer, Javier has discovered the adrenalin rush of paragliding.
- Salir de farraAlfredo explains why he likes partying.
- La robótica: proyectos innovadores en escuelasRobotics in schools enhances student engagement through practical projects.
- Verano en la azoteaElsa has transformed her rooftop into an oasis to enjoy summer in the city.