Forming the imperative for usted/ustedes/nosotros/nosotras (affirmative and negative commands)

In Spanish, the nosotros/nosotras/usted/ustedes forms of El Imperativo, both in affirmative and negative commands take same form as El Presente de Subjuntivo.

Here is a reminder of regular verbs conjugations in El Presente de Subjuntivo:

Conjugate regular -ar verbs in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)

Conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the present subjunctive in Spanish (El Presente de Subjuntivo)

Bear in mind that there are lots of verbs with stem-change and consonant change in the present subjunctive, though.

Let's look at nosotros/nosotras first, then usted/ustedes.

Spanish imperative of Nosotros/Nosotras (we)

To say Let's [do something] or Let's not [do something]  in Spanish as a form of command to ourselves we use the verb in the present subjunctive form for nosotros/nosotras (first person plural). 

Have a look at these examples:

Ella no quiere que nosotros comamos tan rápido. (present subjunctive)
She doesn't want us to eat so fast.

¡Comamos más rápido! (affirmative command)Let's eat faster!

¡No comamos tan rápido! (negative command)Let's not eat so fast!

Notice how they all coincide in their form. 

Alternative structures not using the imperative

Bear in mind though, that in a more colloquial way, we would probably use an interrogative sentence introduced by "¿Por qué no...?" followed by El Presente with the same purpose, an affirmative command to "ourselves". For example:

¿Por qué no vamos a la playa?
Why don't we go to the beach?/Let's go to the beach!

And in the negative cases, we would probably prefer to use a different sentence structure introduced by "Mejor no..." followed by El Presente. For example:

Mejor no vamos a la playa. 
Let's not go to the beach!

Both "¿Por qué no...?" and "Mejor no..." followed by El Presente are more frequently used in speech than their equivalent forms using the imperative:

Vayamos a la playa.
Let's go to the beach! (affirmative command)

No vayamos a la playa.
Let's not go to the beach! (negative command)

Here are other examples using the imperative:

¡Hagamos una fiesta!Let's organise a party!

¡Limpiemos el coche!Let's clean the car!

¡Tengamos paciencia!Let's be patient!

¡No seamos egoístas!Let's not be selfish!

Spanish imperative of Usted and Ustedes (you formal singular and plural)

To express an affirmative or negative command directed to "you" (formal) we also use the usted/ustedes form (3rd person singular/plural) in El Presente de Subjuntivo. A typical situation is in a formal conversation or transaction, for example in a bank.

Here are some examples:

Necesito que firme aquí, Señor. (present subjunctive)
I need you to sign here, Sir.

Señor, firme aquí, por favor. (affirmative command)Sir, sign here, please.

Señor, no firme aquí. (negative command)Sir, do not sign here.

Señoritas, no es bueno que beban mucho champán. (present subjunctive)
Ladies, it is not good to drink lots of champagne.

Señoritas, beban un poco de champán. (affirmative command)Ladies, drink a little champagne.

Señoritas, ¡no beban tanto champán! (negative command)Ladies, don't drink so much champaigne!

Notice how they all coincide in their form. 

Another typical context for this is road signs:

Conduzca despacio. (affirmative command, usted)Drive slowly.

Disminuya la velocidad. (affirmative command, usted)Reduce speed.

No tiren papeles al suelo. (negative command, ustedes)Don't throw papers on the floor.

Here are more examples (usted):

¡Tenga el cambio!Here's your change! 

Señor, ¡no corra!Sir, don't run

¡Diga la verdad!Tell the truth! 

Here are more examples (ustedes):

¡Salgan a tiempo!Leave on time!

Señor y Señora Valls, ¡compren una nueva lavadora!Mr. and Mrs. Valls, buy a new washing machine!

¡No digan mentiras!Don't tell lies! 

No hablen tan rápido, por favor.Don't speak so fast, please.

Remember that many verbs undergo stem changes and consonant changes when they are conjugated in  El Presente de Subjuntivo and these need to be kept when making a command.

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Examples and resources

¡Salgan a tiempo!Leave on time!
¡Conduzcamos con cuidado!Let's drive carefully!
Señoritas, ¡no beban tanto champán! (negative command)Ladies, don't drink so much champaigne!
¡Amigos, bebamos hasta el amanecer!Friends, let's drink until dawn!
¡Chicos, corramos la maratón!Guys, let's run the marathon!
¡No digan mentiras!Don't tell lies! 
¡No seamos egoístas!Let's not be selfish!
Señoritas, beban un poco de champán. (affirmative command)Ladies, drink a little champagne.
Disminuya la velocidad. (affirmative command, usted)Reduce speed.
Señor Perez, ¡compre un ordenador cuanto antes!Mr. Perez, buy a computer as soon as possible!
No hablen tan rápido, por favor.Don't speak so fast, please.
¡No corran por allí!Don't run over there! ("you" plural formal = "ustedes")
Disminuya la velocidad. (affirmative command, usted)Reduce speed.
Señor y Señora Valls, ¡compren una nueva lavadora!Mr. and Mrs. Valls, buy a new washing machine!
¡Salgamos esta noche!Let's go out tonight!
¡Tengan más cuidado!Be more careful! ("you" plural formal = "ustedes")
¡No tuerzan a la derecha!Don't turn right! ("you" plural formal)
No tiren papeles al suelo. (negative command, ustedes)Don't throw papers on the floor.
¡Vaya a la escuela! (Usted.)Go to school! (You sing. formal.)
¡Vengan a la escuela!Come to school! ("you" plural formal = "ustedes")
¡Pongamos música!Let's turn the music on!
Conduzca despacio. (affirmative command, usted)Drive slowly.
Señorita, ¡cante esa linda canción!Miss, sing that lovely song!
¡Venga a la fiesta!Come to the party! ("you" singular formal = "usted")
¡Juguemos al ajedrez!Let's play chess!
¡Tengamos paciencia!Let's be patient!
¡Comamos más rápido! (affirmative command)Let's eat faster!
¡Hagamos la cena! Let's make dinner! 
¡Vayan juntos a la fiesta!Go together to the party! (You formal plural.)
Señor, ¡no corra!Sir, don't run
¡Sean simpáticos!Be nice! ("you" plural formal)
¡Seamos inteligentes!Let's be intelligent!
¡Salga a la calle!Go out on the street! ("you" singular formal = "usted")
¡Tengamos una buena fiesta!Let's have a great party!
¡Vayamos al pueblo! (Nosotros/nosotras.)Let's go to the village!
¡Ponga atención!Pay attention! ("you" singular formal = "usted")
¡Limpiemos el coche!Let's clean the car!
¡Hagan el trabajo! Do the job! ("you" plural formal = "ustedes")
¡Pongan la radio! Put the radio on! ("you" plural formal = "ustedes")
¡Haga la compra! Do the shopping! ("you" singular formal = "usted")
¡No comamos tan rápido! (negative command)Let's not eat so fast!
¡Hagamos una fiesta!Let's organise a party!
¡Pidamos otra ronda!Let's order another round!
Señor, firme aquí, por favor. (affirmative command)Sir, sign here, please.
¡Tenga el cambio!Here's your change! 
¡Hablemos con tranquilidad!Let's talk with calm!
Señor, no firme aquí. (negative command)Sir, do not sign here.
Señora Matos, ¡compre lo que hay en la lista!Mrs Matos, buy what's on the list!
¡Diga la verdad!Tell the truth! 
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