"At the gas station" vocabulary in Spanish

A list of common Spanish words to use at the petrol/gas station.

Spanish vocabulary

la gasolinera the petrol/gas station
el empleado de gasolinera petrol/gas station employee
la empleada de gasolinera petrol/gas station employee
echar gasolina to fill the tank with petrol/gas
echar diésel to fill the tank with diesel
gasolina petrol/gas
diésel diesel
con plomo leaded
sin plomo unleaded
el depósito (Spain) (fuel) tank
el combustible fuel
estar a to cost ...
los neumáticos tyres/tires
desinflados low on air (referring to tyres)
inflar to inflate
túnel de lavado car wash
una bomba de aire an air pump
en buen estado in good condition
en mal estado in bad condition
un lavado a wash
un encerado a wax
un secado rápido a quick-dry (car wash)
baja presión low pressure
el tanque (LatAm) (fuel) tank