"At the Police station" vocabulary in Spanish
A list of common Spanish words to use at the police station
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la comisaría | | the police station |
el comisario | | the inspector |
el ladrón, la ladrona | | the burglar |
el robo | | the theft |
¿qué sucede? | | what's going on? |
¿está herido? | | are you injured? |
una agresión | | an assault |
el agresor, la agresora | | the assailant |
agredir | | to assault |
amenazar | | to threaten |
arrestar | | to arrest |
atracar | | to mug |
un carterista, una carterista | | a pickpocket |
déme su pasaporte, por favor | | give me your passport, please |
no se preocupe | | don't worry |
estar fichado por la policía | | to have a police record |
inocente | | innocent |
culpable | | guilty |
el juez, la jueza | | the judge |
el juicio | | the trial |
¡Me acaban de robar! | | I've just been robbed! |
robar | | to rob, to steal |
el testigo, la testigo | | the witness |
el testimonio | | the testimony |
poner una denuncia | | to report |
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