"At the doctor" vocabulary in Spanish
Useful Spanish words to use at the doctor's to describe how you hurt yourself
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¿qué te pasa? | | what's wrong? (informal) |
¿qué le pasa? | | what's wrong? (formal) |
me duele(n) | | it hurts |
la cabeza | | head |
la garganta | | throat |
la nariz | | nose |
el estómago | | stomach |
la tripa | | stomach |
el brazo | | arm |
la mano | | hand |
la pierna | | leg |
¿Desde hace cuánto tiempo? | | For how long? |
desde hace un día | | for a day |
desde hace una semana | | for a week |
desde hace dos horas | | for two hours |
tengo tos | | I have a cough |
tengo catarro | | I have a cold |
tengo dolor de cabeza | | I have a headache |
tomar unas pastillas | | to take some tablets |
tomar un jarabe | | to take some syrup |
el doctor | | the doctor |
el médico | | the doctor |
la doctora | | the doctor (female) |
la médica | | the doctor (female) |
tengo que | | I have to |
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