Adjectives & Adverbs
A1: Beginner
- Colours in Spanish - gender and number (adjectives)
- Forming the singular feminine of -e ending nationality and origin adjectives in Spanish
- Possessive adjectives in Spanish: my, your, his, her, its, our and their (Adjetivos posesivos)
- Forming the singular masculine and feminine of regular adjectives in Spanish
- Forming regular plural masculine and feminine adjectives in Spanish
- Forming the singular masculine and feminine of adjectives ending -e and -a in Spanish
- Forming the plural of masculine and feminine adjectives ending in -e and -a in Spanish
- Forming the singular feminine of -s ending nationality and place of origin adjectives in Spanish
- Quantitative adjective in Spanish: cada and todos/-as for "every" in time phrases (Adjetivo cuantitativo)
- Forming the plural of -s ending nationality and place of origin adjectives in Spanish
- Using dentro/dentro de in Spanish (inside)
- Using más/menos for more/less/fewer in Spanish (as adjectives, pronouns and adverbs)
- How to ask "When" in Spanish
- Muy vs Mucho in Spanish (intensifiers)
- Demonstrative adjectives: ese, esa, esos, esas to say that/those in Spanish (Adjetivos demostrativos)
- How to ask "Where" in Spanish
- Forming regular adverbs ending in -mente in Spanish
- How to ask "How" and "" in Spanish
- Demonstrative adjectives: este, esta, estos, estas to say this/these in Spanish (Adjetivos demostrativos)
- Quantitative adjective in Spanish: cada + noun for each (Adjetivo cuantitativo)
- Forming the plural of -e ending nationality and origin adjectives in Spanish
A2: Lower Intermediate
- Forming comparative adjectives in Spanish: mayor/menor/mejor/peor
- Yo también/yo tampoco/a mí también/a mí tampoco for me too, me neither
- Using tan ... como = as ... as (comparatives with adjectives and adverbs)
- Numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000
- Using demasiado, bastante, suficiente, poco, tanto and mucho to express quantity in Spanish (quantitative adjectives)
- Using tanto como with verbs and nouns to say as much/many ... as (comparatives)
- Difference between este, ese and aquel (demonstrative adjectives)
- Using the negative ningún (a, os, as) = not any
- Spanish adjectives used as nouns
- Using aquí, ahí and allí = here and there in Spanish
- Using aquí, acá, ahí, allí, allá = here and there in Spanish
- Ningún, ninguna + noun + verb = No [noun] + verb (negation)
- Más que/Menos que vs Más de/Menos de (More/Less than)
- How to say "both" in Spanish
- Using demasiado, bastante, un poco, mucho, tan, tanto and muy for too, quite, a bit, so, so much and very in Spanish (quantitative adverbs)
- Using algún (a, as, os) to say some or any in Spanish
- Use [verb] más [adjective/noun] que / menos [adjective/noun] que = more...than / less... than (comparatives)
- Forming the singular of masculine and feminine adjectives ending in -z and -l
- Using todo, toda, todos and todas to say all, every and the whole (indefinite adjectives)
- Forming the plural of masculine and feminine Spanish adjectives ending in -z and -l
- Using "recién" with actions that just happened
- Forming the singular and plural of adjectives ending in -án, ón, -or
- Cada uno/a de [noun/pronoun] for each one of [something/someone]
- Using otro, otra, otros, otras to say another, other (indefinite adjectives)
- Using varios/varias to say some (indefinite adjectives and pronouns)
- Using cuánto/-a/-os/-as in interrogative, exclamative and indirect questions
- Demonstrative adjectives: aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas = that/those in Spanish [over there] (Adjetivos demostrativos)
B1: Intermediate
- Spanish superlatives -ísimo with adjectives ending in -co, -go, -ble,-z, -or and -n
- Using yo sí/yo no/a mí sí/a mí no (I do/I don't): Spanish contrasting answers
- Using junto, junta, juntos and juntas = together in Spanish
- Using apenas/casi for hardly in Spanish
- Forming singular and plural of Spanish adjectives ending in -ar
- Using tampoco for either/neither in Spanish
- Using cierto, cierta, ciertos, ciertas for certain in Spanish (indefinite adjectives)
- Spanish long-form possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, our, their)
- Spanish past participles as adjectives
- Primero and tercero become primer and tercer before a noun (Spanish apócope)
- Using the Spanish adverb bien as an intensifier (very)
- Difference between "poco" and "un poco" in Spanish
- How to say the best/the worst/the oldest/the youngest in Spanish (irregular superlatives)
- Igual de ... que = as ... as in Spanish (comparatives with adjectives and adverbs)
- How to say the most / the least + adjective in Spanish (superlatives)
- Bueno, malo, grande become buen, mal, gran before a noun (apócope)
- Alguno/-a/-os/-as de for "one/some of" (partitives)
- Difference between cuánto and cuanto in Spanish (with and without accent)
- Spanish superlatives -ísimo with adjectives ending in a single vowel, -io, -l and -ar
- Using unos cuantos/unas cuantas + noun for "a few" (quantitative adjectives)
B2: Upper Intermediate
- Position of adjectives in Spanish
- Using cómo de + adjective/adverb to ask about the degree or extent of a specific quality
- How to use "un tanto/algo + adjective" in Spanish
- Difference between aún and aun in Spanish (with and without a written accent)
- Using qué tan/cuán + adjective/adverb to ask about the degree or extent of a specific quality
- Using neuter article Lo + adverb/adjective + que + verb in Spanish
- Using ya/ya no meaning now/already/finally/any longer
- Using nada/nada de to say not at all in Spanish
- Using cualquier/a to express "any" in Spanish (indefinite adjectives)