Spanish language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,633 questions • 9,001 answers • 874,546 learners
For example ¿Comó se llama usted?
wouldn't that translate to "What do you call yourself you?" How come you can't just say ¿Comó se llama?
I would like to ak why is the accent in the audio on the second syllable?
For example,
Tengo que ir al colegio.
Instead of using "voy", ir was used. Why is that?
I'm confused by the use of third person (instead of first person) of haber. Why is the sentence not "Ultimamente, me he dado por flirtear con mi jefe"?
Pati Ecuamiga
Re: Sentence above:
No, no me gusta la paella.No, I do not like paella.
In the lesson above, I was surprised to hear how the word "paella" was pronounced. I had never heard that pronunciation. My question is, are the letters "ae" considered a diphthong, and if so, what would be its pronunciation?
Thank you and wishing you a great day!
Just a suggestion: I feel that the question set for this lesson could be more challenging. Could add 4 or 5 questions with more room for error rather than translating from Spanish to English. Choices in Spanish where we could easily go wrong.
I had to look up and remind myself about the two possible derivatives of "bendecir" - i.e. bendecido [participle] and bendito [adjective]. Clarification was necessary because I remembered that the future tense of "bendecir" is 'regular' - i.e. "bendeciré" - [unlike decir > diré].
Another 'peculiar' change which might be worth mentioning in this lesson is the way in which "pudrir" becomes "podrido" when forming its past participle.
Of possible interest too, is the pair "corrompido" [participle] as opposed to "corrupto" [adjective]; (we never see "corroto").
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