Olvidar vs OlvidarseHi Inma
In the lesson you say:
"There is no difference in meaning. Using one or the other depends on what the person is used to; some regions in Spain use one form more than the other, but both are correct."
However, I always believed their is difference that exists between the two:
Olvidar = to forget by accident
1) Siempre olvido las llaves del coche = I always forget my car keys
2) ¡Ay no, olvidé hacer los deberes! = Oh no, I forgot to do the homework! (olvidar+infinitive)
Olvidarse de = to forget by choice, on purpose.
1) Ella se olvidó de sus problemas de dinero y se fue de compras = She forgot about her money problems and went shopping anyway (she chose to forget)
2) Solo quiero olvidarme de arruinar la fiesta de cumpleaños de mi hermano = I just want to forget about ruining my brother's birthday party (he's trying to forget)
I've always thought of it like the 'se' is indicating that someone is doing something to his/herself (like ducharse, bañarse etc). I'm unsure where I learned this!
The accidental 'se' part is new to me
Hi, I was a bit surprised to see this use of "gustar" as none of the books I have mention this usage i.e. Barron's 501 verbs, shows only that this verb is used in the third person, etc. Would it be a Iberian usage? I am in Canada and study Latin American Spanish [looking forward to that distinction in your program:) -- any news on that?]
Thank you. Nicole
I am confused. I am trying to sort out the diffences but I don't see it.
For example, in the sentences: both mean: It is good that you study every afternoon.
Es bueno que estudies todas las tardes.
Está bien que estudies todas las tardes.
Es + bueno [adjective]
Está + bien [adverb]
Can you show the relationships for each?
Any difference at all in the individual meaning?
And why would you use one over the other? And under what circumstances?
Any other lessons to clarify this?
As you can tell, I’m confused! Help. J
In a Spanish show, a character says to another:
Tú no sales de aquí hasta que no me traigas a ese chico.
Which I believe roughly translates to "You are not to go out until you bring this guy to me." If that is the case, could you explain why the subordinate sentence would be negated with no. Wouldn't it be:
Tú no sales de aquí hasta que me traigas a ese chico.
Thank you for your help!
Once again, if there is more than one answer, would you please indicate that.
It is very annoying to know the answer(s) but not being informed that more than one my be selected.
Thank you,
I had never come across ‘hacer caso’ until now. From now on, whilst practising speaking Spanish to/with my daughter I’ll use this. It will be very useful since she never ‘pays attention’ and ignores me a lot whilst spending numerous hours on Instagram etc. :)
Another phrase that I’m unfamiliar with is ‘dares cuenta’ which is used in this reader- ...me doy cuenta... Am I correct in saying that ‘hacer caso’ and ‘darse cuenta’ are phrasal verbs? Do you cover phrasal verbs anywhere in Kwiziq?
Gracias y saludos
It sounds strange to me to say Ellos fueron amigos. Isn't it better to say Ellos eran amigos, when there is no time specification?
Hi Inma
In the lesson you say:
"There is no difference in meaning. Using one or the other depends on what the person is used to; some regions in Spain use one form more than the other, but both are correct."
However, I always believed their is difference that exists between the two:
Olvidar = to forget by accident
1) Siempre olvido las llaves del coche = I always forget my car keys
2) ¡Ay no, olvidé hacer los deberes! = Oh no, I forgot to do the homework! (olvidar+infinitive)
Olvidarse de = to forget by choice, on purpose.
1) Ella se olvidó de sus problemas de dinero y se fue de compras = She forgot about her money problems and went shopping anyway (she chose to forget)
2) Solo quiero olvidarme de arruinar la fiesta de cumpleaños de mi hermano = I just want to forget about ruining my brother's birthday party (he's trying to forget)
I've always thought of it like the 'se' is indicating that someone is doing something to his/herself (like ducharse, bañarse etc). I'm unsure where I learned this!
The accidental 'se' part is new to me
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