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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,621 questions • 8,967 answers • 871,469 learners
I thought general experiences were talked about in the Imperfect. The time markers given in this lesson match up with
And also this lesson seems to indicate using the Imperfect:
Using the imperfect tense in Spanish to express habits or repeated actions in the past (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
Looking at: "... fue la capital del Califato … que fue proclamado por Abderramán III en 929" > My first thoughts were that AbdulRahman III had perhaps proclaimed Córdoba as his capital in 929 AD, which would have required "proclamada" to agree with the feminine noun "capital". Then I remembered that he had actually declared himself [very controversially !] to be "the Caliph of all Muslims, everywhere" (including those in Baghdad, and Syria, and even those in the Fatimid Empire in North Africa !) - so "proclamado" presumably agrees with "Califato"?
As I'm sure Inma knows, Seville was the first capital of Al-Ándalus [was it?], and Abdul-Rahman the First transferred his seat of power to Córdoba in 766 AD.
Hi there,
I'd like to know does every color have masculine and feminine forms, or just a few of them?
Thanks a lot!
Me too.
The written text doesn't match the spoken words after the word "hashtag"
I searched to find the reply but was not successful. Could you let me know the reply to her question. Thank you. Nicole
This is Pati's question below:
"I'm unsure when (and when not) to use a + pronouns when also using an indirect object pronoun. I understand emphasis, but not real clear when to place emphasis. When I use it normally, it seems redundant. "
Why is it esta rather than estan when referring to las oficinas (plural of office)?
Does it have to be a specific duration with desde hace? Or could we say:
No visito desde hace mucho tiempo un pueblo tan bonito que este
And would it be incorrect to say:
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que visité un pueblo tan bonito que este.
...or is it just another way of saying the same thing?
Dice aquí “When we name the person
If we are more specific and either name the person or say who it is, for example "A María" or "A mi padre", the same rule applies. You cannot omit the "short" pronoun.” Pero según el RAE dice “ Pero si el complemento tónico aparece pospuesto al verbo, las condiciones para la coaparición del pronombre átono son diferentes según que el complemento sea directo o indirecto: En el caso del complemento indirecto, la coaparición del pronombre átono es normalmente opcional y suele ser lo más frecuente, especialmente en la lengua oral: No (les) da importancia a los problemas; (Les) he contado nuestro secreto a unos amigos; (Le) han denegado la beca a Juan; (Le) he dicho la verdad a mi madre. E incluso hay verbos, como gustar, encantar y sinónimos, que exigen la presencia del pronombre átono junto con el complemento tónico: ¿Le gustan a tu hermana los bombones? (y no *¿Gustan a tu hermana los bombones?)”
Where is the word for " fire " in the model answer . Why has it been omitted ?
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