Spanish language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,631 questions • 8,997 answers • 873,967 learners
Re: "because I find that it's an interesting instrument."
Kwizbot porque me parece un instrumento interesante.
You porque me parece “que es” un instrumento interesante
Google translates the sentence in question: "Because I think it's an interesting instrument"
leaving out the "that" in the original text.
Would it be incorrect to have the “que es” here? How do I find out how to work the “magic” of
sentence structure. Thank you. Nicole
How come it is tiene instead of tienes ? I'm thinking plural...being it says: cosas bonitas... Thank you!
"La" is only used as the feminine for a direct object, correct? So in this example from the lesson the first "her" (se) is the indirect object of "dar" but the the second "her" is a direct object of "ver"?
Se lo daré cuando la vea.
I will give it to her when I see her.
If the second "her" were an indirect object, it would be "le", right? For example, is this correct?
Se lo daré cuando le hable.
I will give it to her when I talk to her.
Thank you!
Is the 'a' always required? Can you say 'Maria le gusta', rather than 'A Maria le gusta'?
Apologies if I've missed it in the text.
El director del colegio, el cual trabaja duro, es respetado por todos.
El director del colegio, quien trabaja duro, es respetado por todos.
(mas informal) El director del colegio, que trabaja duro, es respetado por todos.
¿Todos son correctos?
I've read the Q&A and related articles and am still confused. The sentence is: My sisters are often late, I always wait for them for two hours. When I apply the information in the lesson's Q&A, I ask myself: "For whom do I wait? For my sisters." Therefore sisters should be an indirect object. However, the quiz gives the direct object pronoun, las, as correct. Which is it and why? (Also, it would be helpful if you edited the questions so the correct answer to this appears consistently.)
ps: it looks like Marcos and Lisa, below, are asking the same question in slightly different ways. Perhaps you can address all 3 questions as a group. Thanks!
What would you suggest as the "best" way to approach the lessons in kwizIQ. The initial test recommended B2. Is it best to study only the lessons suggested in the dashboard and trust the system to move me up and also to eventully fill in gaps from lower levels, or to also take tests for the lower levels and review those lessons, sort of jumping around from level to level, topic to topic.
Here is my train of thought. "Ayer estuve en un concierto:" "Yesterday" requires the pretérito indefinido because it refers to a completed action at a time in the past, and the verb is estar because it is referring to a location; hence estuve.
However I am stuck with "Fue en San Juan:" Is San Juan not a location? If so, would it require the verb estar rather than ser?
It would be great if you could explain this.
Many thanks.
The answer was "Voy a pedirle que me lleve a su casa" as translation of "I am going to ask her to take me home."
Why is the indirect object pronoun "le" used in this sentence and not "la" the direct object pronoun? I'm wondering whether it is something to do with the way that pedir is used e.g. "ask it of her."
Can you help?
Thanks John
I am confused by this list of words like tener. Is it correct that DETENER means both to stop and arrest? This seems logical. MANTENER seems to mean both maintain and to keep, but what is the distinction between MANTENER and MATENER? Does SOSTENER mean both to support and to maintain? Does it also mean to sustain?
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