Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,619 questions • 8,965 answers • 870,894 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,619 questions • 8,965 answers • 870,894 learners
I never thought that I was misusing definite articles until this exercise. Apparently, I either add a definitive article when it's not required or omit it when it is. Is there a rule that I'm missing with this?
For example: For "Asimismo, gobiernos y organizaciones trabajan en políticas para una gestión sostenible del agua.", I wrote: "Asimismo, LOS gobiernos y organizaciones trabajan en LAS políticas para una gestión sostenible del agua". Why shouldn't I use definite articles where I did?
Está rica esta cancion. Es de pura poesía. O sea que no entiendo todas las palabras; pero siento con Clarissa la alegria de la banda y la que la cantante expresa. Esta cancion me eleva.
I saw this verse in NVI bible.
"y no nos dejes caer en tentación, sino libranos del maligno."
Is it correct not to use 'sino que '?
In the example above (Es septiembre y hace calor todavía.), todavía is placed at the end of the sentence and not before/after the verb. Is it a less common (spoken) sentence structure?
I am a fair way through level A2 and do not get much practice listening to Spanish speakers. I find that I understand some of the dialogue but then a word appears that I am not familiar with and that throws me. For me, the speed was about right should I have all the vocabulary.
I have joined a local Spanish Conversation group that meets once a month in the hope that that will improve my understanding.
Have you any suggestions on how I could better use the resources of Kwiziq to improve my understanding of spoken Spanish. I should say that I am able to understand written Spanish in the lessons quite well.
Could you explain the quiz quiestion that I got wrong? I chose "eso", for "I like that one" (a boligrafo). The correct answer was "ese". Yet "eso" is listed a correct option in the lesson if the object is not named in the sentence. Thanks.
I think the verb acabar can also be used to express finishing something. How does the use of acabar in Spanish differ when I want to say "I just..." vs. "I'm finishing..."
?Por qué usas "muchAs frutAs" (género femenino) al principio de esta cuenta, pero al fin dices que "La guayaba es otrO de lOs frutOs en temporada"(género masculino)?
Why isn't this "Pónganselo aquí en esta habitción para nosotros, por favor."?
After all, the reflexive pronoun for the third person plural imperative of poner is se.
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