Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,633 questions • 9,001 answers • 874,612 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,633 questions • 9,001 answers • 874,612 learners
Are the three connectives synonymous or is there a slight difference in their meaning?
For this lesson, would it be correct to say that you generally conjugate the verbs ending in "ar" to "aba" (e.g. hablar becomes hablaba) and that you conjugate verbs ending in "er" and "ir" to "ía" (e.g. soler becomes solía)?
Hola los expertos y todos
Alguien sabe porque la frase es escrita 'Los personajes andan soñando con un viaje a una isla desierta' y no es escrita 'Los personajes andan soñando de un viaje a una isla desierta'?
No he visto esa construcción antes y pues estoy una poca confundida. Si es normal, podrían dar otros ejemplos que usan la misma 'con' construcción
How long must I wait to re- take a quiz? I started low because I wanted a recap. I have gotten into bad habits but am understood. I missed a question on the last quiz and 10 minutes later I can not try again to move on? Really?
"Ayer hice unas baleadas para mis invitados y les encantó."
Would "encantarón" be more appropriate here, since it is the (plural) baleadas that are being so much enjoyed (that are "enchanting")? Or is it implied that it is the act of making the baleadas (hice unas baleadas) that is enchanting, and therefore the singular, encantó is better here?
Hola forum y los expertos
Mi pregunta es sobre la traduction de 'since they have became so popular on the market' a 'desde que se hiciesen tan populares en el mercado'.
¿Es possible decir también 'desde que se hayan hecho tan populares en el mercado'?
Hi Inma,
Here's the test question:
¿Vienes a la Fiesta? No puedo. _____el partido en la tele.(Are you coming to the party? I can't. I am planning to watch the match on TV.)
Answer: Iba a ver.
Everytime this question comes up, I get it wrong because the English translation " I am planning to watch the team on T.V." Hence I answer iré a ver.
Would the english translation rather be " I was planning to watch the team on T.V.
Another question. Is there a difference between iré a ver VERSUS voy a ver? I am aware one is future tense and the other is present tense.
Thank you.
How does one know if
"Hay un incidente ahí; tendrán que llamar a la policía."
should be translated as
1) There is an accident there; they MIGHT have to call the police (probability)
2) There is an accident there, they WILL have to call the police (statement of fact)
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