Preterite of "-e#ir" verbs: the 3rd person e>i change almost seems to be the norm
Hola Ana, Silvia, e Inma -
In your lesson Conjugate stem-changing-ir verbs (e > i) in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido) - I am wondering if it might be worth mentioning that the guideline applies to the majority of verbs ending with "-e#ir" - because most of them seem to change the 'e' to 'i' in the 3rd person "pretérito indefinido" [where the # symbol denotes a consonant, or two consonants together, or even no consonant as with 'reír'] >
> i.e., almost all of them follow the pattern "servir > sirvió, sirvieron"...
... and seguir > siguió, siguieron [note that 'gu' is effectively just a consonant with its silent u]
I have come across only a few exceptions to that^ rule:
namely, the three "-cer.nir" verbs: discernir, concernir, cernir(se)... the three "-ergir" ones: sumergir, convergir, divergir... and hendir - [e.g., the third person preterite becomes él discer.nió - not discirnió].
There are also one or two [?] defective verbs which behave like that^, for example 'ellos agredieron' (they attacked), not 'agridieron'.
Saludos, David Mc
For throughout the year you have suggested 'durante todo el ano but isn't al largo del ano also acceptable? (Sorry I could not type the tilde). Similarly sould you say ser recomendable as well as ser aconsejable for it is recommended?
Many thanks
Is "ll" pronounced "ya?"
It says ' Do you prefer to wait sitting or standing' and I had to fill in the gap for prefer/preferir.
' Usted prefiere esperar de pie o sentado?'
I don't understand how prefiere is the answer and not prefieres
There's a question about how we went to an Indian restaurant and ate everything because it was very rich. The thing they're eating is "food," but the answer wanted you to use "todo." They had it agree with the adjective of rich, but there's nothing that indicates a masculine noun.
Upon clicking on the lesson, I see this warning, "Note that this is a Europe focused lesson. Your active focus is Latin America.' .... how are weather talks different in Latin America?
I'm assuming that before using this form the paragraph would start out using a tense that would ground the event in the past. Thus I'm assuming you would not start out saying "Martina se llevará una gran sorpresa al ver de nuevo a su madre". You'd instead start out with saying ""Martina pensaba que su madre había fallecido" or something else that signals we're talking about the past. Is this right?
¡Lo que charla tu madre!
¡Cuánto charla tu madre!
estas frases son intercambiables? significan más o menos lo mismo?
(no importa, veo que esta pregunta ya ha sido hecha)
But this is to do with the nature of this sentence. For other sentences you can replace si with que, for example:
Me encantaría que vinera Carlos.
Me encantaría si viniera Carlos.
Hola Ana, Silvia, e Inma -
In your lesson Conjugate stem-changing-ir verbs (e > i) in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido) - I am wondering if it might be worth mentioning that the guideline applies to the majority of verbs ending with "-e#ir" - because most of them seem to change the 'e' to 'i' in the 3rd person "pretérito indefinido" [where the # symbol denotes a consonant, or two consonants together, or even no consonant as with 'reír'] >
> i.e., almost all of them follow the pattern "servir > sirvió, sirvieron"...
... and seguir > siguió, siguieron [note that 'gu' is effectively just a consonant with its silent u]
I have come across only a few exceptions to that^ rule:
namely, the three "-cer.nir" verbs: discernir, concernir, cernir(se)... the three "-ergir" ones: sumergir, convergir, divergir... and hendir - [e.g., the third person preterite becomes él discer.nió - not discirnió].
There are also one or two [?] defective verbs which behave like that^, for example 'ellos agredieron' (they attacked), not 'agridieron'.
Saludos, David Mc
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