Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,630 questions • 8,989 answers • 873,586 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,630 questions • 8,989 answers • 873,586 learners
________ (Busquemos) un apartamento más grande para los cuatro.
Why does this sentence need a subjunctive (as stated in the hint)?
In this example, the subject (in English) of the sentence (todas las chicas) precedes the verb in the first sentence, but follows the verb (todas) in the second sentence. Would it be acceptable to place the subject before the verb in the second sentence so that it reads: "No, no a todas les gusta."?
So here, quemar is indicative. Would the subjunctive queme also be acceptable in this sentence? Or does the si prompt indicative only?
(Translation for the interested: Dalí would say that if the Prado Museum burned down, he would save only this painting.)
I don't see anywhere in the lesson that the "que" can be omitted. I don't think the sentence looks right either.
Should violeta also be on this list?
and when I looked in a spanish (does this have Cap) violet was also given. This might be usual mean not invariable. Or maybe that was giving the meaning. I think giving the meaning. carro had car and cart
Hello, I appreciate the speed at which these exercises are read; it allows me to follow along and train my ears to pickup words during PURE listening.
Question: my weakest skill is listening comprehension during a conversational speech at a standard rate. What tips do you advise me to understand better native speakers speaking at normal speed?
Thank you for your anticipated answer and this resource
Hola 😊
I translated the above as Cuando me encuentre las llaves. I was marked wrong, the answer is said to lack the "me". I think without the "me" they could be anybody's keys. Am I wrong?
I am confused by the second sentence of this short paragraph. Why is the article "el" needed (required) before the color names?
Pati Ecuamiga
Estoy referido al ejercicio: "El Real Madrid marcó menos goles (de/que) goles de Barça este año.
Más de/menos de, se usan en candidades, no? En el ejercicio anterior los goles se refierien a una cantidad, creo yo.
Gracias y le agradezco.
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