Lo+ Adv/Adj + que + verb Que tan /cuan + Adv/ AdjHola Inma:
Are these
phrases interchangeable?
Lo+ Adv/Adj + que + verb
Que tan /cuan + Adv/ Adj
Let's use test question #3 for these purposes:
es ese monumento!"
Of course the correct answer is:
"¡Lo feo que es ese monumento!"
With regard to this structure (Lo+ Adv/Adj + que + verb) the
lesson states it is used to express surprise/admiration/disappointment
about how something/someone performs an action or about what someone/something
is like.
The lesson for the
structure (Que tan /cuan + Adv/ Adj) states that it is used to ASK about
the degree or extent of a specific quality. Yet one of the example is
not a question:
"Carlos, muéstrale
a Valentina qué tan bien bailas merengue." The phrase is being used in
regard to a "specific quality," i.e., "... how well... ."
Question:for these purposes, is not ugliness a specific quality.
(a) if so, could we not also use the structure (Que tan /cuan + Adv/ Adj): ¡Qué
tan feo es ese monumento! Thank you
in advance.
No es lo mismo ver una película en cine que ver una película en casa How do I say that 2 scenarios are the same ?
may i summarise and say that igual de... que is used for non quantity or another way, quality comparisons only? for example, we can use tanto... como for 'tiene tanto dinero como yo', but we cant use it with igual de. non quantity or quality comparisons which are adjectives, adverbs.
Thank you , this is a really good reading exercise text.
I wonder if the English translation is incorrect (specifically, the "to go"), because the Spanish sentence has no "ir" in it. Instead, there is "saltar" which the English does not seem to consider.
What if you want to say I have to finish the speech for Thursday (instead of by Thursday) in the sense that it is Thursday's speech? Would it be, Tengo que terminar el discurso que es para el jueves? o el discurso de jueves..?
I know 'para' usually goes in front of verbs in the infinitive form. When does 'por' go in front of verbs in the infinitive form?
Are desde and de interchangeable. For ex, I saw him from a distance. Would both work?
Lo vi desde una distancia.
Just wondering what triggers the subjunctive in this example sentence from the lesson:
Se trata de que nos reunamos para pasar un buen rato
Hola Inma:
Are these phrases interchangeable?
Lo+ Adv/Adj + que + verb
Que tan /cuan + Adv/ Adj
Let's use test question #3 for these purposes:
"¡____ es ese monumento!"
Of course the correct answer is:
"¡Lo feo que es ese monumento!"
With regard to this structure (Lo+ Adv/Adj + que + verb) the lesson states it is used to express surprise/admiration/disappointment about how something/someone performs an action or about what someone/something is like.
The lesson for the structure (Que tan /cuan + Adv/ Adj) states that it is used to ASK about the degree or extent of a specific quality. Yet one of the example is not a question:
"Carlos, muéstrale a Valentina qué tan bien bailas merengue." The phrase is being used in regard to a "specific quality," i.e., "... how well... ."
Question:for these purposes, is not ugliness a specific quality. (a) if so, could we not also use the structure (Que tan /cuan + Adv/ Adj): ¡Qué tan feo es ese monumento! Thank you in advance.
May I ask why do you need to use imperfect tense for this sentence: Después de hacer el check-in, he comprado algo de ropa en la boutique porque no traía nada conmigo.
I guess if we use prétérito perfect for the whole story it should be it as well.
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