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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,644 questions • 9,008 answers • 875,787 learners
Buena lectura para obtener nuevo vocabulario.
I thought this would have used "pudo" because is said last night so we know that outcome from last night
I never thought that I was misusing definite articles until this exercise. Apparently, I either add a definitive article when it's not required or omit it when it is. Is there a rule that I'm missing with this?
For example: For "Asimismo, gobiernos y organizaciones trabajan en políticas para una gestión sostenible del agua.", I wrote: "Asimismo, LOS gobiernos y organizaciones trabajan en LAS políticas para una gestión sostenible del agua". Why shouldn't I use definite articles where I did?
Wouldn't this mean you both go or you guys go?
Why wouldnt I write Usted va a casa de su hijo?
You go to your son's house
This is the first one I have failed over and over, and over again. There is just not enough direction here to understand the differences. Is there a source you would recommend that discusses this in more detail?
I'm being really stupid here!
Please can you explain what the indicative means?
Bueno, como si se va a Australia.Well, as far as I am concerned he could go to Australia (I don't really mind)
thank you
I saw this verse in NVI bible.
"y no nos dejes caer en tentación, sino libranos del maligno."
Is it correct not to use 'sino que '?
Could you explain the quiz quiestion that I got wrong? I chose "eso", for "I like that one" (a boligrafo). The correct answer was "ese". Yet "eso" is listed a correct option in the lesson if the object is not named in the sentence. Thanks.
Do other verbs fit this pattern? Or, just these two -ir verbs?
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