Where are the lessons En la farmacia (A2)Hello, hope you are all well.
In this exercise the link that says (lesson) brings us here, however there is no lesson, nor any explanation as to the use of this particular phrase and another one below. I did a search of these terms, but nothing came up.
I have two errors, that I would like to understand why they are errors to learn from them, i.e.
this one "Me hacen falta " and the one of " "aquí es la tarjeta:. (see below text)
CLIENT: I need two, one for me and one for my father.
CLIENTA: Me hacen necesidad dos, una para mí y otra para mi padre.
CLIENTA: Me hacen falta dos, una para mí y otra para mi padre. "
CLIENT: Here's the card. Thank you.
CLIENTA: aquí es la tarjeta. Muchas gracias.
CLIENTA: Aquí tiene la tarjeta. Muchas gracias.
I looked for a comment in the exercise itself, but there was none, so I am writing this here.
Thank you for your help and stay well.
how can i know when to use the subjunctive or the indicative with Lo/la + noun + es que+ subjuntivo / indicativo for example la idea /cuestion/cosa
I wonder if there is a discussion of the pronunciation of these two words. Depending on the speaker, they sound the same to me. I have noticed in some accents in the north, there's a slight "l" sound in the ll, and even my late great uncle (from the north of Spain) had explained to me that this is a thing, but also he explained this to me a long, long ago and I just want to know if I'm hearing things correctly or if my brain's making it up. ¡Gracias!
Ella ________ famosa después del anuncio de la tele. She became famous after the advert on the TV.
This example seems to be a consequential change (resulting from being on TV) not a voluntary change. The answer given is hacerse, but volverse seems more adequate if my understanding is correct. But this isn't even listed as a verb of change in the lesson.
Isn't quedarse a better choice than hacerse? I thought hacerse meant a change as a result of a conscious and voluntary effort on the part of a person undergoing the change?
These verbs are so confusing!!!
Hello, hope you are all well.
In this exercise the link that says (lesson) brings us here, however there is no lesson, nor any explanation as to the use of this particular phrase and another one below. I did a search of these terms, but nothing came up.
I have two errors, that I would like to understand why they are errors to learn from them, i.e.
this one "Me hacen falta " and the one of " "aquí es la tarjeta:. (see below text)
CLIENT: I need two, one for me and one for my father.
CLIENTA: Me hacen necesidad dos, una para mí y otra para mi padre.
CLIENTA: Me hacen falta dos, una para mí y otra para mi padre. "
CLIENT: Here's the card. Thank you.
CLIENTA: aquí es la tarjeta. Muchas gracias.CLIENTA: Aquí tiene la tarjeta. Muchas gracias.
I looked for a comment in the exercise itself, but there was none, so I am writing this here.
Thank you for your help and stay well.
Why is pero used and not sino?
Could "No puedo salir hoy sino saldré mañana." be used or would this be incorrect?
Using tan ... como = as ... as (comparatives with adjectives and adverbs)
The link in the list of A2 lessons leads to a duplicate of TANTO COMO..... +NOUNS/VERBS
maybe not for everybody but it does for me
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