Exclamativos con quién¡Hola!
I would like to pay your attention to the following constructions:
Quién + iba a/podía/podría + infinitivo de pensar, suponer... + que (+ sujeto) + iba a + infinitivo/condicional/imperfecto de indicativo (+sujeto)
Examples taken from GRAMÁTICA DE USO DEL ESPAÑOL: Teoría y practica C1 - C2 by Luis Aragonés y Ramón Palencia. Unidad 27
¡Quién podía pensar que Lorenzo tenía dos hijas!
¡Quién podría pensar que la empresa tenía pérdidas!
Could you tell me whether the mentioned examples refer to the Present and past tenses are used because of Concordancia de Tiempos or to the Past?
If they refer to the Past, is it possible to use Pesente and Pluscuamperfecto in the second part to express different periods of time?
At the start of the explanation, there is a reference to the future simple which I think should be the conditional.
Conjugate poner in El Condicional SimplePosted by Silvia PirizIn: Level B1, Verbs Tenses & Conjugation, El Condicional SimpleQuestions on this lesson: 0ADD TO NOTEBOOK« Previous 10 OF 10 TEST »Poner (to put) is irregular in El Futuro Simple. It is formed by adding these endings to the stem dir-:
yoI guess I wasn't clear in my question. The "any" in parens is what I added in my question. There were no parens in the English in the lesson.
Also I was asking if "No hagan ningún ruido" is the correct way to say "Don't make any noise."
Maybe it's just me, but I find it very difficult when translations are so different from each other. Quite often the subleties escape me.
English "Has drunk" or "drank"
Can't say "Has drank"
These statements actually aren’t disagreements at all. They are contrasts or comparisons. Disagreement with someone saying “I am X” would be replying with something like “No, you are not X.” Replying by saying “I am not X” is not disagreeing, but rather comparing yourself to the first speaker.
From what I have learned from searches, is that :"cuyo" is always an adj, even though in English and French they are pronouns.
So, is this correct: "cuyo" is always an adj,"
Thank you.
What is the difference between Prefirieron and preferisteis other than one is used in Spain. ??? Or am I missing something.
Luna, Mar y tú ________ dormir en un hotel de lujo.Luna, Mar and you preferred to sleep in a luxury hotel.(HINT: Conjugate "preferir" in Pretérito indefinido)
It is not clear when to use qué after mismo. For e.g.
Andrea lleva la misma camisa que llevaba ayer.
No me cuentes de nuevo la misma historia.
I would like to pay your attention to the following constructions:
Quién + iba a/podía/podría + infinitivo de pensar, suponer... + que (+ sujeto) + iba a + infinitivo/condicional/imperfecto de indicativo (+sujeto)
Examples taken from GRAMÁTICA DE USO DEL ESPAÑOL: Teoría y practica C1 - C2 by Luis Aragonés y Ramón Palencia. Unidad 27
¡Quién podía pensar que Lorenzo tenía dos hijas!
¡Quién podría pensar que la empresa tenía pérdidas!
Could you tell me whether the mentioned examples refer to the Present and past tenses are used because of Concordancia de Tiempos or to the Past?
If they refer to the Past, is it possible to use Pesente and Pluscuamperfecto in the second part to express different periods of time?
I thought that ' el billete de tren' had a determiner - 'el' as opposed to the general 'un billete de tren'. Please explain
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