Native Spanish Teachers

The Key to Kwiziq’s Strategy

91% of Kwiziq users surveyed report that they learn Spanish faster with us than any other platform or strategy.

What's the magic behind Kwiziq?

There are many factors in the system's effectiveness, such as:

  • Recall testing
  • Custom Study Plans
  • AI-powered study suggestions

But these wouldn't have much of an impact without the most important element:

Native Spanish teachers create our materials.

Why is this so instrumental in the progress you make as a learner? Find out below, and meet the native Spanish teachers behind our industry-leading tools!

Why Spanish Teachers Create Our Lessons

What's the benefit of using materials created by native Spanish teachers?

You already know the value of practising with native speakers. They have an intrinsic understanding of the language, almost always knowing the most natural way to phrase a sentence.

However, the average native speaker isn't a linguist. While they know how to apply grammar rules, they may not be able to explain all of them. At least, not in a way that's easy to understand.

A native Spanish teacher knows not only how to apply the language's rules to every situation, but how to explain them to you.

Our teachers create all of our Spanish learning resources with learners in mind. From their many years of teaching Spanish, they know which topics trip up English speakers. So they design our materials to help you overcome these specific hurdles.

By using resources made not just by native speakers, but native Spanish teachers, you're receiving the best education possible!

Meet Our Spanish Teacher Team

Our Spanish teachers have over 40 years of teaching experience between them. Even more notable is how highly qualified they are. Let’s get to know them!


After ten years working in the travel industry in Spain, Inma moved to the UK for a change, and never looked back. She quickly pivoted careers from tourism to Spanish language education, obtaining two Spanish language education certificates on top of her BA.

That was over 16 years ago! Since then, Inma has taught Spanish in UK schools to GCSE and A-level students, as well as tutoring privately. At Kwiziq, Inma uses her language education knowledge to create Spanish lessons, to create dictations, to answer the Q&A Forum and to revise exercises.

Learn more about her experiences using Spanish to help people in her full team interview!




Hailing from northern Spain, Silvia began teaching Spanish when she left for France. With qualifications including Interpretation and Language Education, she then moved further afield to the UK, swapping her French students for British ones.

After 7 years teaching Spanish in UK secondary schools, she moved back to Spain, where she works for Kwiziq. Her areas of expertise include creating Spanish exercises, such as Kwiziq’s Weekend Writing Challenges. She always balances promoting Spanish culture and customs with keeping the exercises educational and enjoyable.

Learn more about her time in France and the UK in her full team interview!


Before becoming a Spanish teacher, María taught English in her native Argentina for 8 years. With a BA and Licenciate to her name, she moved to the UK and began her career as a Spanish educator. As well as teaching Spanish to adults, she’s worked with various Edtechs to create Spanish education tools and content.

At Kwiziq, María is our resident Latin American Spanish expert. Her knowledge and skills provide a valuable international perspective, making our materials more diverse and globally applicable.



Growing up bilingual English-Spanish, Shui is our Head of Spanish here at Kwiziq. But that wasn’t enough for Shui, she just had to be fluent in French as well!

With a BA in English and Spanish, MA in Hispanic Studies, DEA, and DESS in Specialised Translation and Applied Languages for Industry, Shui has narrowed language education down to a fine art. So much so that she’s even taught translation as a visiting lecturer at Université de Paris Diderot!

In her role at Kwiziq, Shui manages the Spanish language team’s projects, including:

  • Reviewing lessons
  • Managing translations
  • Writing content
  • Answering questions on the Spanish Q&A forum

Learn more about her fascinating language stories in her full team interview!

All This Knowledge – For Free!

Even with all the expertise behind our resources - plus our AI-powered system - we still make Kwiziq available for free!

That's right, you can access hundreds of lessons, exercises, and kwizzes with a free Kwiziq account. Or if you'd like even more materials, there are Premium plans available too!

Create your account now and start learning from expert native Spanish teachers now!


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