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Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,509 questions • 8,768 answers • 851,876 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,509 questions • 8,768 answers • 851,876 learners
¿Se quita la s del imperativo de nosotros cuando "selo" lo sigue? Por ejemplo: mostremosselo o mostremoselo
Why isn't this "Pónganselo aquí en esta habitción para nosotros, por favor."?
After all, the reflexive pronoun for the third person plural imperative of poner is se.
Should the test questions note that the answer should be for Spain vs Central/South America?
Hello! I was wondering if there are any plans to include Latin American Spanish pronunciation for the example sentences in the near future? I would love to practice with a Latin American accent, as this would be incredibly helpful for my learning. Is this a feature that might be added?
I think the verb acabar can also be used to express finishing something. How does the use of acabar in Spanish differ when I want to say "I just..." vs. "I'm finishing..."
In the audio habéis sounds like habeese. Should it sound like habace? Muchas gracias, Shirley.
El profesor llevaba hablando con el estudiante diez minutos cuando entramos en la habitación.
El profesor había estado hablando con el estudiante diez minutos cuando entramos en la habitación
Why is ustedes used sometimes for singular subjects?
For example, Ustedes hacen una tarta de chocolate deliciosa. - is translated you make... It seems to me it should be: Usted hago una tarta de chocolate deliciosa.
What am I missing?
Good afternoon! Loving the website and all it has to offer. I do think maybe having the English translation on each part would be helpful. I find I can hear and understand the words to write in Spanish, but maybe do not know the proper English translation. Thank you and keep up the good work with the website!
The Spanish translation is written in English, not Spanish. It is spoken in Spanish, but not spelled in Spanish.
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