Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,572 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,565 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,572 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,565 learners
What is the rule for using "mientras" or "mientras que"?
For example:
Escribo mientras que él come. Why can't I say: Escribo mientras él come.
Él habla mientras yo leo. Why can't I say: Él habla mientras que yo leo.
I cannot see any difference in syntax, usage or meaning between these two sentences, yet three native speakers have all told me they would only say the first, but could not tell me why or give me any grammatical rule. Please help... someone/anyone.
Why is the usage of nosotros as above been marked wrong
In the quiz, the sentence was : Vas a ir con ella al teatro. I know that it doesn't sound quite right to say "Vas a ir consigo al teatro", but why would that be incorrect?
Is it common to use hacer as "gave" in this question? Why not use diste (dar)?
Is it safe to think that:
Haber tenido = sustantivo
Habiendo tenido = adverbio
Habiendo tenido ese accidente, depende de su pareja.
Haber tenido ese accidente lo hizo dependiente de su pareja.
Why in the following example is ser used? I thought that the estar form would be used because cheerful is a an emotion or feeling. Wouldn't this indicate that the group is "always cheerful"?
Ustedes ________ muy alegres.
You are very cheerful."Acordaos que estamos fríendo esta tortilla a fuego lento."
Shouldn't it be "de que"?
How would you answer these questions?
¿Conoce Ud. nuestros productos gourmets? No, solamente alguno. or No solamente algunos. ¿Prefiero Ud. todos los quesos de la caja? No, solamente alguno. or No, solamente algunos. ¿Desea Ud. estas frutas frescas? No, solamente algunas. or No, solamente alguna.
I see earlier in the thread that you say that "rosado" also means pink. Does the word "rosado" change to "rosada" with a feminine antecedent, or is it invariable, like "rosa"?
El médico quiere que me tome estas pastillas.
Voy a pedirle que me lleve a su casa.
Is the rule for the position of the Me in both sentences that there are two clauses, the second being subjunctive and the verb reflexive therefore owning the M1e? I was confused because both the first and second verbs are conjugated.
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