Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,570 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,504 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,570 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,504 learners
Hi, translators are saying it should be:
Qué día tan maravilloso
Qué terrible accidente
Can you explain the different placement of the adjective in these examples please? And why "qué accidente tan terrible" doesnt' seem to be an option?
I am looking to update my groups and a few students have graduated. How do I remove them?
Suggestion, along with having vocabulary words presented before each exercise also have the lessons that one should have done/review prior to doing the exercise. For example, somehow I did missed the lesson on conjugating in the near future lesson, and I was lost with those sentences. Thanks.
In this text, 'those who' is translated in two different ways.. are they sinónimos?
quienes osaban visitarlo podían susurrar sus anhelos
Aquellos que se adentraban en la oscuridad del bosque
I used 'los que'. Is that always wrong?
Why does it say "estoy maravillada" instead of "estoy maravillando"?
Hi, being back after a few months, I noticed that all example sentences use indicative mood, while the one in the lessons was in subjunctive:
De habérmelo explicado antes, no me hubiera enfadado tanto.
Why isn't this conditional, ... no me habría enfadado tanto?
¿Se puede usar solo "cuales" como pronombre relativo? ¿O se necessita siempre usa con el/la/los?
You answer 'los doctores PREFIERE but the plural form is PREFIEREN, which is an option
Can you help please
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