This is GREAT!!!Hola!
I started doing the relative pronoun lessons and quizzes before I even had a complete understanding of what a relative clause was!! (Maybe some different organization of the B2 lessons would alleviate this for other students???)
I needed more understanding so I did a search, and lo and behold, I found this lesson and the lights came on!!
I get it now and it makes perfect sense to me.
Thank you so much for this lesson Inma! (I see it's quite recent)
As a forever student, the lessons and explanations make learning Spanish so much fun for me and have taken my studying and learning to a whole new level.
I really love the dictation and writing exercises!! I was wanting to train my ear to hear better and these exercises fit the bill perfectly!!
I'm so glad I found Kwiziq!!
Muchas Muchas Gracias y Feliz Navidad!!
Why do we only conjugate -ar verbs in the preterito indefinido tense? What about -er and -ir verbs?
Also, is the preterito indefinido the same as the simple past tense?
It says, Además, me encantaría que mis alumnos desarrollen....
I was thinking it would say instead, Además me encantaría que mis alumnos desarrollaran...
Maybe I am overgeneralizing a concept or rule that isn't used here?
Does this construction happen other places. If idiom maybe should be taught like that.
Why isn't "las" used to modify both bicicletas and cintas de correr? I thought bicycles and treadmills were a general class of equipment, and not a specific bike or a specific treadmill. Thank you.
The last sentence says "Los pájaron volaban sobre nosotras.", shouldn't it be pájaros?
A couple of quizzes ago i was marked wrong for putting the object pronouns in front of the verbal structure. Unfortunately I can't get back to that quiz now to check, but I was sure they could go either before the whole verbal structure of be added onto the gerund/infinitive. The correction on my answer was to put the pronouns at the end of the infinitive/gerund.
Hello, I'm trying to get a better understanding of when to use different constructions.
Si Amalia va al mercado, comprará pescado fresco.
Si Amalia fuera al mercado, compraría pescado fresco.
These two constructions express the same idea. How do we know which one to choose? Is our choice solely based on the probability of the action in the "si" clause?
I started doing the relative pronoun lessons and quizzes before I even had a complete understanding of what a relative clause was!! (Maybe some different organization of the B2 lessons would alleviate this for other students???)
I needed more understanding so I did a search, and lo and behold, I found this lesson and the lights came on!!
I get it now and it makes perfect sense to me.
Thank you so much for this lesson Inma! (I see it's quite recent)
As a forever student, the lessons and explanations make learning Spanish so much fun for me and have taken my studying and learning to a whole new level.
I really love the dictation and writing exercises!! I was wanting to train my ear to hear better and these exercises fit the bill perfectly!!
I'm so glad I found Kwiziq!!
Muchas Muchas Gracias y Feliz Navidad!!
The main part of this lesson has no audio. Could you please fix this if possible?
(Aunque + the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish)
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