Why PPC after cuando?Hello. Thank you for the useful lesson. It clarified some things, but not all. I have some texts. One of them:
José у María han paseado hoy por el parque y han hablado mucho. La verdad es que ha hablado María, y José ha escuchado solamente. Cuando María ha terminado, ya era tarde y han regresado a casa. En casa, José ha recordado que quería decir muchas cosas a María, pero María ya no estaba con él.
I can understand the first two usage of PPC, the second two are less understandable. And after "Cuando" I can't understand at all. What are the units of time there? Or what other explanations? My translation is:
Jose and Maria have walked in the park today and have talked a lot. The truth is that Maria was talking (have talked), and Jose was only listening (has only listened). When Maria finished (talking), it was already late, and they returned home. At home, Jose remembered that he wanted to say many things to Maria, but Maria already wasn’t with him.
How do I explain my present continuous and simple there?
Maam what about singular words having accent.How do they form plurals?
When talking about forgetting things, these two forms are given:
- olvidar [algo]
- olvidarse" [de algo]
But what about forgetting someone?
Are these two forms then still correct?
Buenas tardes,
I hope you don’t mind me asking this here since my question is not regarding Decir in the Condicional Simple but rather the usage of ‘eso mismo’ attached to the quiz question here.
I am puzzled by the following:
“Yo diría eso mismo”.
Could you explain the ‘eso’ here please? Could I still use ‘lo mismo’ or ‘el mismo’ here instead of ‘eso’?
Hola Inma,
I really enjoyed this 'reader'. I'm a big Rosalía fan!
I'm just curious about the 'artistas plásticos' mentioned in this article. Is this simply describing artists that create art from plastic?
Gracias :)
Hello. Thank you for the useful lesson. It clarified some things, but not all. I have some texts. One of them:
José у María han paseado hoy por el parque y han hablado mucho. La verdad es que ha hablado María, y José ha escuchado solamente. Cuando María ha terminado, ya era tarde y han regresado a casa. En casa, José ha recordado que quería decir muchas cosas a María, pero María ya no estaba con él.
I can understand the first two usage of PPC, the second two are less understandable. And after "Cuando" I can't understand at all. What are the units of time there? Or what other explanations? My translation is:
Jose and Maria have walked in the park today and have talked a lot. The truth is that Maria was talking (have talked), and Jose was only listening (has only listened). When Maria finished (talking), it was already late, and they returned home. At home, Jose remembered that he wanted to say many things to Maria, but Maria already wasn’t with him.
How do I explain my present continuous and simple there?
This sentence must surely read:
María got cross when Marcos arrived home very late.
That guy worked for us for a few months.
why are we not translating the second for in the sentence: 'for a few months'?
Should it not be: Durante unos meses?
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