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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,635 questions • 9,001 answers • 875,169 learners
I don't understand ¿Por dónde vas? because the translation isn't good English. Do you mean 'where are you?' or 'where are you up to?' (in a book) or 'How far up the road have you got?'
Or perhaps 'where are you at?' is modern usage that I've just never heard before.
I can already hear myself overthinking, and then checking myself in regards this!
Is a fair way of thinking about this, that:
Imperfect subj - general usage
Present subj - if it feels like it's about to happen
I put le invité. Is that also correct?
Is it always hace falta, or again is it subject dependent?
If I wanted to say 'we need to sand the furniture' do we say 'hacen falta lijar los muebles' as muebles is plural?
Are we saying here that the use of 'de' is optional?
Bear in mind, though, that when this is used with the verb tener or haber, then you can add "de". For example:
Esa historia no tiene nada de particular.No había nada de irónico en mis comentarios.
Could you please present a couple of formats for questions in Spanish that would likely elicit answers using the "llevar + gerundio" response? Are the questions in the present tense? (The questions in English would be similar to: How long have you been studying? How many hours has he been waiting?) Thank you.
Are there any keyboard shortcuts to replay the audio? It would be really helpful the just click something like "ctrl + spacebar" to hear the audio again. Thanks.
Sorry, i found the answer in the lesson.
Hi, thanks for all your answers.
What does Aún así (both accented) mean in Concierto de Año Nuevo? Thanks,
"You could recover your money" refers to a future possibility not a past action or possibility.
"You could have recovered your money" refers to not a past action but rather to something that could have been done in the past.. The English is confusing , however much the hint says it is a past action.
Usted ________ su dinero.You could recover your money.(HINT: It refers to a past action)debe recuperarha podido recuperarha recuperadopudo recuperardebería recuperarFind your Spanish level for FREE
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