Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,646 questions • 9,017 answers • 876,643 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,646 questions • 9,017 answers • 876,643 learners
I think there might be a correction to the English is this sentence:
I've just seen the singer who they gave a prize last year.
I believe it should say:
I've just seen the singer to whom they gave a prize last year.
Silvia y Inma, you make a great team. I love this section of the website and wish it popped up twice a week!
Besos . . .
the answer is ¡llegué en solo dos horas!
but can i say 'dentro de dos horas'?
for this story, can i say 'el clima era bueno.' to replace 'Hacía buen tiempo' ?
I was planning to go for a holiday - pienso ir de vacaciones, pensaba ir de vacaciones. Iba a ir de vacaciones. Does all these mean the same thing ? Ir in imperfect + a + infinitive seems very similar to pensar + infinite. In this case, do we use pensar in present tense or in imperfect (same as the way IR is used) ?
the lesson note wrote that due to english's influence, we do use en
then it says en can be used to mean within a time period such as en una hora = in, within one hour
is this use not recommended too? if so, what is the spanish correct way of saying within an hour etc?
BebíHe bebido
can you live in the Andes Mountains?
in one of the examples,
Verás, el chico se va a enfadar y va a coger y le va a dar un puñetazo.
You'll see, the guy is going to get cross and he's going to go and give him a punch.
where does 'se va + a' comes from? is this irse with other meanings?
Could you direct me to the appropriate lesson?
1. cuantos años tiene mafalda? How old is Mafalda?
How old is Mafalda?
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