Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,627 questions • 8,986 answers • 872,907 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,627 questions • 8,986 answers • 872,907 learners
In the example given:
"¿Tienes algún problema? No, pero gracias por preguntar."
Why is it not "algúnas" to match the gender of problema?
Why can't we use 'hecho en casa' for homemade instead of casero/a?
Este es el título del uno de mis lecciones bajo de sujeto, ¨Conjugate ver in El Pretérito Perfecto (present perfect)".
He lo tratado pero, me parece que es muy difícil a preguntar una pregunta en el forum en una moda que consigue para mi una respuesta.
Gracias, Jaime
What is the difference between these two sentences?
Las fresas habían estado siendo recolectadas.
Las fresas habían estado recolectadas.
If they both mean 'The strawberries had been collected.', under what circumstances are the two sentences used?
One of the listening exercises uses the parase "martes y trece" which I believe would translate to "Tuesday the 13th". Please consider adding that method of stating a date to the lesson on dates as I checked and there is no current discussion or example of this usage that I could find. Thanks for all you do!
Hola Inma,
1) My answer was "disfrutamos de esta cena maravillosa" but it was marked wrong.
Can you, please, explain when the verb disfrutar needs the "de"?
2) "y hizo una salsa de guacamole muy rica": I'm not sure, but I thing it sould be e hizo, or am I wrong?
Un saludo
Thank you so much!
Is this common usage in both spoken and written Spanish? Is it more common in Spain than in Latin America? (i.e. Will there be raised eyebrows if I use it in Mexico, like there often are when I use "cover?") Thanks!
In the phrase
"If... , they'd have given you a decent room." I understand why hubieran dado is correct, but isn't hubiesen dado also an acceptable form of the pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo?Why is incorrect to say, "Fueron vacaciones geniales"? According to the quiz, one must say, "Fueron unas vacaciones geniales"
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