Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,625 questions • 9,023 answers • 876,908 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,625 questions • 9,023 answers • 876,908 learners
In the dictado exercise Carbón (A2) there is a sentence, I was very good, Yo fui buenísima that corrects to fuí with a tilde yet I can find no source that uses a tilde with fui. Is this an error? Also the word buenísima does not appear in my New World Spanish/English dictionary, if I Google buenísima it reverse translates to muy bien but this exchanges a adjective for a adverb. What's going on here?
Why is there an "s" when asking "Como te llamas?" but not for "Como se llama usted?" I understand that usted is formal, but why the change in llama(s)?
I thought Que tal?was an informal greeting. Given as a correct form in your answers whe greeting an elderly man.
I thought that creo que phrases is the affirmative were followed by the indicative, not the subjunctive?
Yo creo que es bueno que ________ tanta gente diferente.I think it's good that there are so many different people.HINT: Conjugate "haber" in El presente subjuntivo
There are two lessons on how to say some in Spanish. This one and the one in the Pronouns chapter. My question is: what is the difference?
The only real difference that I was able to find is that algún, algúna, algúnos, algúnas can be used with a noun in the same sentence or clause, but alguno, alguna, algunos and algunas can NOT be used with a noun in the same sentence or clause.
Is this it?
Is there another difference?
I don't understand the following verbs. Where to use era, where to use fui?? Both are used in past tense.
Yo fui primero de mi clase el año pasado.
Here fui represents ' I was'
Yo era el más pequeño de la familia.I was the smallest in the family.
Here also era represents 'I was'. Why can't we use fui here? What is the difference? Please clear me anybody..
Hello, May I ask when to use donde vives and de donde eres? how to use it and what's the difference? hehe. We have a Spanish subject and I was thought that my answer in donde vives is where my house is located. On the other hand, my municipality is the answer in the question de donde eres.
Both seem to mean exactly the same thing. Also, there is only the one 'r' which is causing difference between the two? Can they be used interchangeably?
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