Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,576 questions • 8,909 answers • 862,002 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,576 questions • 8,909 answers • 862,002 learners
Hola, mi amiga dijo "este domingo no pudo ser más lindo". ¿Tiene el mismo significado que este domingo no podría haber sido? Me pareció rara la frase. Parece que a ella no le gustó este domingo, pero la verdad que sí. Es de Argentina, así que quizás sea cuestión de dialecto no sé.
For Saoirse: I just tried to send a message after getting the 500 denial message so let me know if this goes through
Which one is correct:
Tres es más que dos.
Tres es más de dos.
When does the o-ending in the 3rd person pretérito indefinido get a tilde (like "oyó) and when doesn't it?
I wish there were comprehension questions at the end. It’s annoying that there’s no way to “complete” the reading exercises like the writing and listening ones.
Why is the answer portugesas, which isfemale?
So, I am working my way through Kwiziq. My question is that I am also thinking of having an online Spanish class, possibly twice a do I go about finding someone? I will say that I would much prefer a group class of around three of four people - do they exist. Is anyone interested in getting together a small group of people?
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