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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,552 questions • 8,863 answers • 858,379 learners
Usually the conditional tense adds "would" to the verb. E.g. comería, would eat; habría, would have; vendría, would come, etc. But "should" is not the same as "would". It implies a duty or obligation, whereas "would" does not.
So debería etc. seems to be an exception because it means "should" not "would"!
All the rent includes the bills.
No leiste ningún libro de italiano.
For "any Italian books" why is this not "nigunos libros italianos"?
Please forgive me. I am having difficulty writing the sentences.
It should be:
But I don't understand the use of 'que' in the following:
Tengo algo que contarte
When 'para' is used in the other two examples
Hope I did not confuse you too much.
I understand the use of 'para' in these sentences:
¿Quieres algo para comer?
Tengo algo que contarte
Can you help?¿Necesitaba algo para escribir?
But I don't understand the use of 'que' in the following:
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