Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,555 questions • 8,873 answers • 858,725 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,555 questions • 8,873 answers • 858,725 learners
I ask because in the recording for "Yo vivo en Córdoba" it's a "yo" sound. But for the "Yo vivo en el barrio de Gràcia" recording it's a soft j sound resulting in "jo".
When I practice at Duolingo I also sometimes here the y vs. j difference. Are both interchangeable in Spanish? If no, what are the rules for choosing j vs. y?
Or, is the recording audio simply not of good quality?
The lesson says: "We use the construction no + verbo + ningún (a, os, as) to say any." When do you use ningún vs nada for "not any"?
One of my answers is “No me apetece un bocadillo ni un burrito”.
According to the corrector, this answer is wrong.
I do not understand because in the explanations, there is a note which reads as follows:
“We sometimes omit the first “ni” and only use the “ni” in the second element of the sentence with a verb in negative”
In this lesson " Repetition of indirect object pronouns with verbs (general)
I was reading the questions from "Papi" and did not see a reply for his last question of 13 January 2019.
Is there a reply somewhere? I was surprised not to see it here.
This topic is so very confusing, and I hope there will be more lessons/exercices for this topic. Thank you.
Thank you.
Pretty much a waste of listening time . . .
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