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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,635 questions • 9,001 answers • 875,174 learners
They should drink quite a lot.They must have drunk quite a lot.They actually drank quite a lot.They couldn't drink a lot.Sorry to be persnickety--"drunk" is only an adjective in English, never a verb. "Have drank" is the correct form.
Esta correcto? En la siguiente oracion, pero en vez de sino esta usado. Creo que despues de negativo sino debe haber usado no?
Vuestros papeles no eran fáciles de entender, pero los nuestros sí
Your papers were not easy to understand, but ours were.
I am wondering why in the question "Which of the following expressions are followed by the subjunctive?" the option "Parece que" was marked as incorrect? There is no any information about it in the explanation. However it is followed by the subjunctive, isn't it?
It's interesting to note that these two tense usages occur in English as well, e.g.
-- Oh, Albert's not at home. -- No, he was playing in a rugby match today, didn't he tell you?
-- What was the name, sir?
-- What were you asking for this painting?
-- Where were you going tomorrow?
This is a great lesson. Thank you.
¿es posibe usa detestar en lugar de odiar?
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Ahora mismo tengo muchas ganas de comerme un helado de chocolate.
Is there something to be inferred about the addition of me to the end of comer? As in some extra desire, or is this just another way of saying the same thing with no subtlety of difference?
Hola Inma: Regarding El Preterito Perfecto, I don't know what you mean when you say the speaker sees herself inside that same timeframe. For example: “¿Vosotras pudisteis reservar ese hotel tan barato?” In what way does the speaker see herself inside that timeframe? Likewise, for El Preterito Indefinido, in what way does the speaker see herself outside the timeframe, ex: “No pudimos conseguir entradas para el concierto”?
I made a couple of mistakes in my last communication. The title should have said, "the Spanish Preterito Indefinito" not "the Spanish Preterito Imperfecto. Second, the word "open" should be removed where it appears at the end of a sentence. Sorry everyone.
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