Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,558 questions • 8,882 answers • 859,636 learners
Can I check my understanding of one of the questions I completed please. The question was ¿Crees que es bueno que Juan ________? (venga).
I thought that when we use "Creer" [I think / believe] it takes the indicative because it is our opinion / belief, there isn't an element of doubt. My question is, does it take the subjunctive because it is a question about what someone else thinks / believes?
Thanks. John
I was wondering why the "present" tense is used in Spanish for "llamar" which is then translated in the future tense. Why not llamaremos?
Después de la fiesta llamamos a un taxi.
After the party we will call a taxi.
Thank you.
Hola Inma,
The text of the lesson has been corrected to "riais" but one question is still showing "riáis" as an option [and not showing "riais."]
The question is "Es saludable que [sonráis] a menudo."
The book is as good as the series.
Pienso que desde la serie es femenino, bueno debe ser buena?
This lesson is clear in distinguishing the Futuro Próximo, but is there a reason why none of the translations offered use the variation "I am going to buy a house.... / They are going to have a meal tonight.... etc.?
These would be common ways of expressing future arrangements in English, and happily distinguish it very clearly from the present progressive "I am buying a house" which doesn't quite capture the idea of a future arrangement.
Is there some distinction that I'm not aware of?
Saludos. John
I'm confused by the translation of ¡Que me ensucias la camisa! (You will get my shirt dirty). Can the following structures be translated similarly (e.g., you will get my shirt dirty).
¡Que ensucias la camisa mia! o ¡Que ensucias la camisa de mi!
Gracias por todo.
I thought Que tal?was an informal greeting. Given as a correct form in your answers whe greeting an elderly man.
I do not understand why you use « la » in this sentence?
Se la estamos decorando.
We are decorating it for him.
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