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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,635 questions • 9,001 answers • 875,174 learners
En la oración: Espero que mi madre COCINE un pavo asado riquisimo con un relleno hecho de pan y maiz de salvia. What is the conjugation of "cocine", please?
cooks, has cooked, will have cooked
I just need to understand in this following sentence why 'le explicas' isn't used instead?
Podrías hablar con la jefa y explicarle la situación.
Is it treated as following poder rather than hablar?
You implied that we should use "Adentrarse en" but "Adentrarse por" was given in the answer without a reference to "Adentrarse en". Which is correct?
In another sentence you advised lit' "we dined on some sandwiches" but "en" was not included in "cenábamos unos bocadillos". A bit confusing, no?
I had never come across ‘hacer caso’ until now. From now on, whilst practising speaking Spanish to/with my daughter I’ll use this. It will be very useful since she never ‘pays attention’ and ignores me a lot whilst spending numerous hours on Instagram etc. :)
Another phrase that I’m unfamiliar with is ‘dares cuenta’ which is used in this reader- doy cuenta... Am I correct in saying that ‘hacer caso’ and ‘darse cuenta’ are phrasal verbs? Do you cover phrasal verbs anywhere in Kwiziq?
Gracias y saludos
Hi, I noticed that this lesson link points to the -er verb version of this lesson.
And also A2 Using tanto como with verbs and nouns to say as much,many ... as (comparatives) , with adjectives is the Same lesson.
I wrote 'el fin de la semana pasada' and it was corrected to 'el fin de semana pasado'. I can see why the definite article was dispensed with, but 'semana pasado'? Surely the adjectival form of 'pasado/a' is used, rather than the past participle?
Los mariscos en Grecia estaban riquísimos
I would have said eran riquísimos - because it's a characteristic.
Why am I wrong? :)
In this sentence: Vienes conmigo al cine? -________. Estoy cansada.
Why are both "no se" and "no lo se"correct, if it is expressing doubt?
When you say "colloquially", is it a less formal/ slang-like way to use it?
And which region is it used?
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