Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,587 questions • 8,920 answers • 864,360 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,587 questions • 8,920 answers • 864,360 learners
"de joven" and "cuando eran jóvenes" are both used for "when you were young". When should "de" be used and when should "cuando era/eran/eras" be used? Thanks.
“I am confused when " preterito " is appended to most of the tenses. This practice is not widely used in Spain or Latin countries. Why not use the tenses which are commonly used. I know that the preterite is used for past tense so when preterito perfecto subjuntivo is mentioned I expect that the past subjunctive is meant NOT the perfect subjunctive! I wonder whether other participants experience the same problem.“ In school, we never learned the English equivalents of these various subjunctive terms. We didn’t really learn much about the subjunctive in English at all. It was a whole new concept beginning to learn it in Spanish. How is it taught to Spanish speaking children? Do they find it confusing?
Like23 years agoShareWhy does changing g to j preserve the infinitive pronunciation?
How would you say, "They work as much as they play," meaning quantity of time they spend?
¿«Trabajan tanto como juegan.»?
But if you say, "They work as well as they play," meaning with the same quality of enjoyment, ¿would you say,
«Trabajan tan como juegan.»?
I'd like to ask if any of the students here have had any online classes with a Spanish Tutor? Now that Kwiziq have partnered with LenguaTalk I've been thinking about having some classes, since I really want and need to start speaking this beautiful language. Until now, I've never felt confident about choosing a company since there are so many.
If anyone one has had any classes: How has your experience been? Is it making, or has it made, a valuable difference in your Spanish language journey? Do you consider it value for money?
I have looked at some of the teachers introduction videos and they all seem lovely people. It's hard to choose out of them all! 😀
I answered 'si, tengo' but it was marked incorrect and should have been' si, los tengo'. Would you explain please? Many thanks.
…but I’ve just realised why I get confused about when to use the subjunctive after ‘no sé que…’ (‘I don’t know that…’) or ‘no sé qué…’ (‘I don’t know which/what…’), now I realise that I should use the subjunctive in the first case and not in the second. Thank you!
y eso estaba bastante triste.
Isn't being sad a feeling, so why not "estar" instead of "ser"? Thanks.
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