Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,573 questions • 8,897 answers • 861,720 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,573 questions • 8,897 answers • 861,720 learners
Acá se puede usar «del que» o «del cual» también?
Wouldn´t some other options for "appetizer" include: entrante, aperitivo, entrada?
For "main course": plato principal, plato fuerte
for "some": algunos/algunas as in "algunas buenas verduras"
The above is an A2 question and the expected answer is te however no guidance is given that a singular informal tense is to be used.
Couldn't le, les or os also be used here if no further context is given.
So, how does Portuguese get into the mix of official languages? Is there a native African language first and then Spanish? And the French?
No es posible usar la palabra 'lo' en la frase : no lo entiendo?
In the above question why is tù te marked wrong? I thought the use of pronouns was optional in Spanish.
John M
________ (Busquemos) un apartamento más grande para los cuatro.
Why does this sentence need a subjunctive (as stated in the hint)?
Mi preguntita es el verbo sospechar tiene sendido de duda. Si en la frase Ella NO SOSPECHA... quiere decir que no tiene ni una duda. Está muy segura que Marcos está en Rusia. y el verbo de Marcos puede usar "está"?
No entiendo porque necesitamos usar nos en esta frase
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