Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,640 questions • 9,008 answers • 875,641 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,640 questions • 9,008 answers • 875,641 learners
It is probably worth remembering that Spanish has a specific rule stating that "de" must always appear between "un millón" [or "millones"] and the noun which it is qualifying. Is this mentioned in one of your lessons? ... Does the same rule also apply to "billón"?
Estoy confusado con el uso de gran fogata en vez de fogata grande, por su leccion, position of adjectives in Spanish, dice que gran/grande antes del pronombre significa Great, y despues Big/large. Es esto un Great bonfire, or a Large Bonfire? Puede corregir mi pregunta, gracias de antemano
I am confused about these. The lesson says they are interchangeable, but when I do the quizzes I get marked incorrect for choosing - for example - apenas instead of en cuanto. Can anyone help clarify this?
I am .unable to create accents on my keyboard. Have tried all recommended methods, none work.
am losing points.
Have just realised that all 8 lessons Kwiziq recently added to my study plan all say for South American learners in red at the top of the first page. I am learning European which Kwiziq acknowledges. I’m not sure what to do!
Hi, Kwiziq has dropped a lesson when to use pretérito indefinido vs simple perfect into my lesson plan which is headed ‘for South American learners’. It identifies me correctly as learning Iberian Spanish. I don’t want to get confused with SA grammar. How can I remove it please?
I think I'm finally getting more accustomed to listening to and comprehending spoken Spanish from a variety of places within Spain and other Spanish speaking countries, largely thanks to Kwiziq along with listening to podcasts and watching a lot of films on Netflix. It is the thing I struggle with most. Having lived for many years in the Canary Islands, I tend to better understand the Spanish spoken there, which I believe has a more Latin American or Caribbean style(?). My late dad was a Madrileño, and I don't do too badly with the Spanish speakers from that área in Spain either.
I'm grateful to this gentleman that recites a lot of the exercises for us, as he really forces me to listen carefully. I'm getting used to his way of speaking now thankfully! With this exercise I also learnt two new verbs: 'menospreciar'= to underestimate or to undervalue and from this verb 'preciar'= to appreciate.
Thanks to all at Kwiziq for all your hard work. Estoy muy agradecida.
Saludos :)
Why is it "sigue" and not "siguen" in the following sentence? - Además, un 62 % de los latinoamericanos sigue una dieta especial...
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