Spanish language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,626 questions • 9,024 answers • 877,101 learners
When you listen to the recorded narration of the above sentence, there is a different sentence 'Yo tenía siete años en aquella foto."
Regards. John
It makes me smile every time I see the character names used in the sentences... My father’s name was Luis and my brother is called Rafa (Rafael)! A happy coincidence :)
Hola soporte,
En la frase 'estoy estudiando español', ¿por que es no 'estoy estudiando el español'?
I have seen the use of el español elsewhere, so ¡estoy confusito!
Amable gracias
?inmantada o imantada?
spanish dict no conoce "inmantada"
Yo veía lo que el hacía/hizo.
Would the first verb mean that e.g. I saw how he was building something and the second that I saw the reault... e.g. a house? Thank you.
I was wondering if there is a reason the "c" turns in a "j", It seems to me that
conduce would sound fine in front of "e" and "i" (perhaps just a change in front of the "a" and "o".
Do you know of any reason for the change?
Thank you.
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