who or whomJust a comment. I think this subject is difficult without making the English incorrect. It becomes much more understandable when the translation is made using correct English. Some examples:
¿A quién le enviaste la carta?
Who did you send the letter to?
The English should be: To
whom did you send the letter?
¿Para quién has
comprado esas flores tan bonitas?
Who have you bought such pretty flowers for?
The English should be: For whom have you bought
such pretty flowers?
¿Con quiénes vais
de vacaciones?
Who are you going on holiday with?
The English should be: With whom are you
going on holiday?
¿Por quién harías
una locura?
Who would you do something crazy for?
The English should be: For whom would you do
something crazy?
This does not include all the examples, but it is enough to see the problem.
Just a comment. I think this subject is difficult without making the English incorrect. It becomes much more understandable when the translation is made using correct English. Some examples:
¿A quién le enviaste la carta?
Who did you send the letter to?
The English should be: To whom did you send the letter?
¿Para quién has comprado esas flores tan bonitas?
Who have you bought such pretty flowers for?
The English should be: For whom have you bought such pretty flowers?
¿Con quiénes vais de vacaciones?
Who are you going on holiday with?
The English should be: With whom are you going on holiday?
¿Por quién harías una locura?
Who would you do something crazy for?
The English should be: For whom would you do something crazy?
This does not include all the examples, but it is enough to see the problem.
How to decide to use por (for because) versus porque (as in the example above):
Would it be correct to use porque in these examples? How would one know which to use (por vs porque)?
Ha salido en la televisión por tener quince minutos de fama.
He's been on TV because he was famous for fifteen minutes.
Va a estudiar medicina por seguir la tradición familiar.
She is studying medicine because it's family tradition.
Te regalo mi pulsera nueva con tal de que me dejes en paz.
I [will] give you my new bracelet so that you leave me alone.
Te regalo mi pulsera nueva con tal de que me dejes en paz.
I [will] give you my new bracelet as long as you leave me alone.
I think this also translates correctly;
Adorno el árbol de Navidad para que todos admirarlo mañana.
as an alternative to
Adorno el árbol de Navidad para que todos lo admiren mañana.
Two correct answers as choices in the original question unless hinted to use subjunctive
Can I use que instead of el/la/los/las que? Would the meaning be similar only with less emphasized pronoun ... who instead if the one who?
Aquella mujer, que/ la que...
Regarding this lesson, I do not understand how to choose the correct answer in the question when the lesson says that either gender can be used depending upon some vague circumstances. How can I, the speaker, determine which gender to use? This is a complete mystery to me. Please help.
Thank you, James
I am unsure why you choose imperfect for being able to see the view on that particular occasion.
There is no hint to indicate whether "you" i singular or plural , familiar or formal. Therefore we can be marked down if our choice of one of four possible correct responses is not the same as your choice.
Answer given was "compráoslos". Should it not be "cómpraoslos" ? Similar to "Prepáratelas" and "Cómpratelas" .
Would "Para mí" be acceptable in this sentence?
Saludos. John
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