Spanish language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,637 questions • 9,001 answers • 875,421 learners
Hello! I often see the verb imaginar used in its reflexive form. Would ‘imaginarse’ be correct in this context as well? Thank you!
Hi, i cannot see any transcript about this reading passage. i can just listen to it. what can be the problem?
Correct me if I am wrong. “La alpaca es in animal de la familia de la llama y de los camellos” means “The alpaca is an animal from the family of camels”. May you clarify why it’s mentioned “de la llama”? Can we write just “la alpaca es un animal de la familia de los camellos”?
Below is the text from the lesson explaining your options with "por si/por si acaso". All of the examples use the imperfect subjective, but the fact that was the only option wasn't really clear until I read through the comments/questions.
From the Lesson: They introduce a subordinate clause expressing a condition. They can be followed by the subjunctive or the indicative.
Si alguien tiene recomendaciones para libros buenos e interesantes en nivel A2 y B1 por favor 🙏🌈🌴 compártanlos aquí — fiction/ novels but not something not so focused on kid themes :-).
In the beginning of the exercise, you hint at using the word "parientes" for relatives but I think that the word needs to be added to the list of correct answers because currently, you only get a right answer for using "familiares".
Hablo inglés perfectamente desde los trece años. I speak perfect English since the age of 13. (since I was 13)
This sounds very Spanglish to me. Surely it's I have spoken perfect English since the age of 13
There is also no transcript for this video.
Hello where is the transcript for this video?
Hello! I don't see the transcription. I spent time transcribing my understanding of this, and I hope I will be able to check my answer. -A
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