Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,587 questions • 8,920 answers • 864,276 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,587 questions • 8,920 answers • 864,276 learners
I believe the accent is on the wrong syllable in the word basándose.
In the video, the second sentence sounded to me like ´los deportistas griegos..´ But in the text it says ´los deportistas ciegos´. Since it talked about las Olimpiadas, would ´griegos´more likely be what the narrator said?
Isn´t this a perífrasis? If so, it would be nice to label it with Perífrasis verbal in the title like the other ones for consistency and for searching for perífrasis to study.
Why do you say que interesante and not como interesante
4 y 6 grados de alcohol shows as "degrees" of alcohol. Are "degrees" and "percent" interchangeable in Spanish? I've never seen it that way in English
I love reading and listening to the travel stories, or diaries. These 3 audios are perfect examples.
Even though we can google all the needed information, it´ll be even greater if some culture insights or backgrounds can be included in the introduction to these lessons, especially when talking about local cuisines.
Question about ¡Qué delicioso!
in the text, the mochilero had eaten all the food in feminine forms, such as arroz, trucha frita, yuca y salsa.
Shouldn't it be
¡Qué deliciosa! instead?
I really enjoyed this passage, it even made me a little teary-eyed! The sentiment is lovely.
I just wanted to check...
Should the first sentence be using vosotros, i.e. Me recordáis a mi abuela, porque es que brilláis con luz propia como ella.
Maybe I'm missing something but isn't the rest of the passage referring to two people?
Gracias de antemano 😊
Can "lo malo de . . ." in the last sentence also be translated as "la mala cosa . . ."?
La narradora dice “las pilas” pero el texto dice “la pilas”, y el programa te corrige si escribes “las pilas” en tu transcripción. Me gusta esta expresión que no conocía antes. Creo que ya la entiendo, pero tal vez merezca una pequeña nota. ¡Gracias!
Is it correct to answer questions with numbers in invariable form, that is, the same form that we use when we count?
Ex: ¿Cuántas personas hay en el aula? --> Hay doscientos uno.
Ex: ¿Cuánta cuestan estas? --> Quinientos veintiuno.
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